Just found out today

Hi- My name is Candi and I am 31 years old. I was diagnosed with Left Ventricular Non Compaction in March. We just found out today the people with LVNC have a higher rate of cardiac arrest so I guess I'm getting a defib on June 2nd. I put off the implant until school was out because of not being able to drive after the implant. I am very worried about recovery time. We have 5 horses, 2 young children and I work with children so you can see we are very active. It was horrible after having the cath and not being able to lift for 1 wk so I don't know what I am going to do if I can't lift for 4 wks. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. I am pretty down today after seeing the defib Dr (who is one of the best I'm told) and being told that they just don't know how to treat my condition since it is so rare. I would love to hear if anyone on the site also has this condition and if they have an implant.
Thanks in advance!


Me Too for ICD

by LindaScarberry - 2008-05-02 01:05:00


I know exactly how you feel! I was told last month I need an ICD; my surgery date is 5/16. So I'll have one month to dwell on this before surgery! I too have kids, 13 and 19 and animals. I had to sell my horses because of cardiac asthma! Broke my heart, so to speak! This site has been great and very informative. But one thing I've had to caution myself on is that some people focus on the negative and we don't hear enough positive comments from people with ICD's. The site has been helpful for me to formulate questions for my doctor.

Any of you with ICD's; will you share your positive stories on life with an ICD.

Candi, I wish you the best. As I learn more, I'll be happy to share with you. I see my doctor on Monday so I'll share the answers to my questions.

Best of luck

Good luck!

by Swedeheart - 2008-05-02 01:05:38

I do not have the same condition as you, and do not have a ICD, but I do have a Pacemaker. One thing we do share, however, is that you have found out in advance you will be receiving your device. I knew almost for a month in advance... I let it "get to me" and got so anxious and worried I forgot to ask all the good questions. Very unlike me.... I usually grill the doctors on everything. I was so stunned I had a heart problem.... I had tests about one month prior to hearing the word "pacemaker" and they were all heart related and I received excellent "marks"! I have heart block and it presented somewhat quickly, in a matter of a couple of months. I felt really physically terrible prior to the PM and it took me a long time to begin to feel better after. I am on day 67 since implant.

If your doctor offers you something to keep you calm... if you need it, take it! CathrynB gave some wonderful advice in her post and I suggest you take her thoughts really to heart!

There are several things you might want to do while you are waiting for the procedure (besides dealing with school...) Read up on pacemakers and ICD's and I think the more you know and learn the better. Write down all your questions and ask them over a period of time (call your EP doctor if you don't have an appt.)

See if someone (family member, friend) will come and help you out with your young family for the first week at least. You will be sore, want to rest, and will need some time to adjust mentally to this new device.

You may want to ask details about placement of your ICD. I do not know how many choices you have, or if a ICD has "choices" like a PM. My pacemaker is under my left collar bone and I have a 2 inch scar. I can feel a slight bump where it is, but it is not very "visible". With that said a ICD is larger and on thin people can be more visible. For me it isn't an issue, I am 60 and my days of wearing alluring outfits are pretty much past. It may be more of a concern for younger folks. I don't mean to alarm you or anything, but I asked about placement on my pacemaker and I had a choice of where it is or more under my arm. I decided under the collar bone would be easiest for me. My bra strap does rub on it and irritate it, however.

I would also suggest that you discuss things fully with your husband or partner. Some men worry they will "hurt" you because of your ICD and are hesitant during intimacy. Discuss this with your doctor as well.

The things I have mentioned here are little, compared to living and watching your lovely children grow into adulthood! But you have time to think about lots of stuff, and ask questions. This will be a good thing once all is said and done.

There are lots of great folks here who will help you, they have been great to me! It is a worrisome time, but you will find compassion and strength here. I had trouble sleeping for quite awhile and usually always found someone in the chat room at weird hours... :)

Ask any and all questions. Find out what kind of ICD you will receive. Most of the manufacturers have great websites with good information. I have a dual chamber medtronic and I even emailed medtronic questions and the folks respond usually within 24 hours!

Hang in there!

Left Ventricle Noncompaction

by Pookie - 2008-05-02 08:05:18

I found this person (thru the search feature) who has it: this is her post.

Cardiologist Appointment
Posted by KarenAmirault on 2008-01-09 11:09

Today I see my cardiologist, not because of my pacemaker, but because I have a birth defect in my heart called Left Ventricle Noncompaction. I think it is the cause of my daily dizziness, however, I have also been diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic Syncope...so who knows why I'm dizzy most of the time. I was also diagnosed with an Autonomic Neuropathy which is damage to your central nervous system that controls your pulse and blood pressure!!! I also read in some of my medical records (I have copies) is people with Left Ventricle Noncompaction are prone to blood clots! Lovely.

While going thru my Mayo Clinic diagnosis papers I found Ectopic Atrial Rhythm...My main concern is why I am having episodes of my heart just pounding/thumping and I think it is ectopic atrial beats. I have researched this a bit and found that the thumping & pounding is a symptom of Ectopic Atrial Rhythm. "The thumping or pounding is caused by the fact when there is an atrial ectopic beat, the pause before the next beat is usually longer than normal. The next beat must be stronger than usual to pump the accumulated blood out of the chamber. If these episodes increase in frequency, they can lead to atrial tachycardia or fibrillation and a decrease in cardiac output." Again, just lovely!!!

So I have a few things going on with my heart and am hoping I get some answers today.

Karen Amirault

There are a few more posts concerning this, the search is up in the upper right hand corner.

Hope this helps!


by pacergirl - 2008-05-02 12:05:29

Hello Candi,

Sorry to hear you need an ICD... Glad to see you are here!

I have a pacemaker and overall I live a very active life. I still can enjoy many of the activities I used to within reason. I even ride horses!

I personally was not shocked when I was told I needed a pacemaker... I was nearly dead so anything my Dr. did for me was a welcome change.

I would like to add that an ICD is not the same as a pacemaker. An ICD works very differently. I have a friend who has one and I would not even attempt to try to tell you how he says it feels, perhaps an ICD wearer can explain better?

I suggest you ask your dr. a lot of questions until you are satisfied with the answers.

Best of luck to you,

You know you're wired when...

Born to be Wired is your theme song.

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It may be the first time we've felt a normal heart rhythm in a long time, so of course it seems too fast and too strong.