
Hi its louise again,
I've been a bit silly and posted a message under my comments......sorry but the reason i was writing was because i haven't been feeling very good the last couple of days. Tuesday i lifted my arm above my shoulder level while putting my arm through a sleeve, didnt even think about it until i'd done it! Ever since i have felt like i have had the same symptoms as the day i got admitted. I haven't fainted but my heart has felt like it was racing, i've felt dizzy, anxious that i've pulled a lead out. I was waiting on a phone call from the hospital which i have since recieved and i have an appointment at 3 pm tomorrow. I know in my own mind i've worked myself up into thinking that i'm back to square one. I'm trying to chill out. Hospital have said that i am very sensitive to all my checks and have proved that by fainting when they tweeked me the day after my op! so now they have to lie me down whenever i have any checks so they want me in to put my mind at rest. There is always one of us isnt there!? Could i just say too that i think everyone is amazing on here.
Thanks for reading.
Lots of love


don't worry

by jessie - 2008-05-08 02:05:50

we all do things not thinking. so louise go and it will put your mind at ease . take care. your p.m. friend jess


by John G. - 2008-05-08 03:05:12

Hey llouise, you are not alone out there. I had my ICD put in November 2003. After I was released, I was in fear for at least 3 months that something was going wrong and I was in and out of the ER and Docs office abot ten times during that period. I think my mind was playing tricks on me. I sometimes wondered if I moved my body the wrong way I could pull out the leads. I sometimes though I was dizzy and having palpitations and when I was checked, everything was ok.I started to gain my confidence in the ICD and then in May 2004 my worst fear came true. I was working out in the gym in my house and had just finished and came upstairs going about my business when all of a sudden I was jolted so hard I was knocked to my knees and took 6 more hits in succession every 45 seconds.Come to find out I had dislodged my leads. My point being, If your PM is also a defibrillator you will know when you dislodge a lead.Best of luck and hope everything is OK

Thinking of you

by Serenitymickey - 2008-05-08 11:05:03

I have had my ICD for 1 1/2 years and still do things without thinking...I am proud your going to see the doctor....probably things are fine...but double check is a good thing to do....I was on the phone I guess my first 6 months..going to see the doctor or calling...I was in ER twice..but everything was fine. I thought they must be tired of me...worring so much.....but it was a short thought....they get paid very well for I let that fly over my head. And ya they were always kind and good luck at the doctor and try to relax. Remember your only a post message away from us. God Bless

know that feeling...

by HChurch - 2008-05-09 09:05:39

Hi Louise,
Years ago I had a series of panic attacks with many of the same symptoms you've experienced including passing out. The attacks abated for a period of years, then in 2002 I passed out while driving home one day. During the process of going to various doctors to find a cause I discovered a cardiologist in a nearby town who included guided imagery as part of my treatment. Using the techniques he taught me I learned how to bring myself back from these attacks and reach a very restful level of relaxation. I am now on low dosages of a couple of medications and have a pacemaker, but I still rely on those relaxation techniques to keep my mind in shape. Give it a try. Good luck.

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