2 Years on

Hi everyone,
I am just posting to wish my PM a Happy 2nd Birthday!!
I can't actually believe its 2 years sine I got my PM implanted. It has gone mega fast.....I'm starting to forget that I have a PM and even feel very well possibly better than before I had it.
I can honestly say to people who are just having them implanted that how ever you feel it does get better and easier to cope with. It just becomes a part of you and your life.
Everybody is very different and that goes for every aspect of life so my only advice is you have to take everyday as it comes.

Thank you for all of your advice on here...you are all amazing and the support on here is second to none!

Love Louise.xx


Happy Birthday to your PM:)

by nat36 - 2010-04-17 01:04:11

Congrats! Go celebrate life!! I have my one year coming up in a couple of weeks also!
So happy for you!

Thank you

by LouLou21 - 2010-04-17 07:04:17

Thank you nat36! Happy 1st year to you. I hope it has been a smooth one for you and have many more trouble free years.
Enjoy. ;-))

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You have a new body part.

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