i am a newbie

its been amonth since i got mine. still in alot of pain. my doctor took me off for 2 months, and then 3 months of light duty. i work as a nursing assistant in a cancer ward. i know that i couldnt do my job right now. im unsure if i will ever be able to do it.
also i drive 45 mins to work before. the driving, the bumps in the road, the seatbelts,it all causes more pain.
i dont know if this is normal or not.
my cardiologist said i could return to work in one week. but the surgeon said 2 mos.
by the way i am new. i just signed up this morning and have been reading the messages, and they have been of great help. at least i know i am not the only one feeling like this.
thank you


hi elf

by jessie - 2008-05-21 01:05:58

i was 3 months before i felt like returning to work. i was a nurse too but already retired. you have to be very careful not to lift more than a certain weight and raise your arms above your head for a certain time. this is to ensure the leads are secure. i don't understand in your occupation why this was so casually agreed to for you to returnso soon i slept a lot and i was certainly not ready for work on a cancer floor.so this said i think you need a second opinion maybe from your g.p. which way to go. i was sore but not in pain after a month but still tender. welcome to the pacemaker club. jessie


by janetinak - 2008-05-21 03:05:24

May I suggest you ask your employer if you can do light duty & then if so get some work restrictions from your surgeon. I agree with Jessie above that being a CNA esp on a cancer unit is expecting too much of yourself at this point.

I went back to work soon after I had my PM put in but I was only doing clerical type of work & sat a lot. Even then I was quite tired but as I felt so much better (not SOB & more energy) that it was a relief.

I can imagine that if you are driving that distance on rough roads then it must hurt. Try padding the site over the PM & under the seatbelt. Been some discussion on that topic here @ this site. Look it up on topics & see what suggestions were made by others.

Keep pluggin' along. It gets better.


Take your time

by Blueaustralia - 2008-05-21 05:05:50

Welcome to the club. I am sure having a pm takes more out of you than we are led to believe. It took me a good three months to recover fully. Same problems with rough roads and seatbelt issue. It does get better. Don't get depressed about not returning to work unless you feel well enough. Keep your options open and take time to heal. These docs can rush a body too much. Sincere wishes Billie

Hi elfin

by joy1 - 2008-05-22 01:05:27

Welcome to our group ~smiling~ You are not alone and your right, most all of us have had healing issues. Woman have their own set of problems because we have breasts and our size. With a PM, you shouldn't have as much breast swelling but if you do, don't hesitate to go bra shopping. I have an ICD and my left breast increased two cup sizes. Couldn't figure out why I was in so much pain; my bras were too small. Padding on your bra strap and seat belt can make a huge difference also.

As for driving; it's uncomfortable and will most likely remain somewhat uncomfortable for some time just because of the position of your arm on the steering wheel. I used to put my arm on the window frame or up behind my head. I can't anymore. For myself, I wear a fleece vest most of the time and put the collar up while driving so the strap doesn't rub as bad. It's not as bulky and allows for more flexibility when moving around. Also the little added warmth makes the implant site less uncomfortable.

As for working, well only you can know that one. The doctors don't know how your really feeling inspite what you tell them; a month; three months, maybe longer maybe never. Everyone recovers differently.

Keep seeking support from people who share the impact of your experience, it really helps to normalize your feelings, knowing your not alone. Not everyone here may understand perfectly what your experiencing but I'm sure there are those who do.

Hope to hear more from you either here or in chat,

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I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.