It isn't always your heart or PM

It happened again this evening. The first time it happened was last month. I had a scheduled PM/ICD check and an appointment with the cardio. The check went fine, no recordable events in the last 3 months. Everything else was normal for me, won't bore you with the details. Cardio appointment went fine, no med changes, BP and HR normal.

I was scheduled for an appointment with my EP about 10 days after the cardio appointment. A couple of days before my appointment with the EP, I had a light headed feeling and felt kind of funny but nothing that seemed serious and I swore that I could feel my heart doing something funny, maybe a brady event. When I went to my EP appointment my favorite PM tech, Romano, was in his office. Small office one receptionist and one good EP doctor, good for getting time with the EP, ie with questions being answered, what a concept.

Someone had a post recently that they had a PM check and the tech didn't provide much feedback. I will agree and that was the way the Romano was in the beginning, May 2008, but the more questions that I asked him the more information he provided. Especially when I began reading the printouts. Not well mind you but with a little knowledge, then the information from Romano started to flow a little easier. So I recommend making friends with the PM tech and pump them for information. Try to use the same one at every checkup, unless you don't like them, then find another. You are the customer, question, question, question.

But I digress, I told the PM tech what happened and even though I had just had a PM check about 10 days before, I asked him to check for any recordable events, I was thinking that I had date and time nailed. So we plug in Merlin, the St Jude PM computer and nothing, nada, zilch. No recordable events since the last check.

So it must have been gas. I say that because the day that I felt funny and swore that I was having a heart event, I had a lot of stomach gas and the same thing happened this evening. Feeling funny and a lot of stomach gas. So maybe it isn't always your heart or PM/

Nothing conclusive or scientific just something that I experienced hope that it might help someone out there in 'sparky' land.



making friends

by Tracey_E - 2009-03-11 09:03:33

It's easy to always assume every problem is our hearts, and it's good to stay aware, but lots of times it's something else.

I've also found that the more questions I ask, the more forthcoming they are with info. It is always a good idea to chat up your rep and make friends! Mine has given me his cell number when I've had problems, once he even came to my house to follow up on a new setting because he knew I was leaving for vacation. When he couldn't figure something out last year and they didn't have any similar cases to compare notes, he brought in the engineers at St Judes and made me a case study. He always goes the extra mile to make sure I stay feeling good.

Hee, hee

by Angelie - 2009-03-11 11:03:03

I wish all my problems could be solved with a simple SBD.........stay back folks.

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A pacemaker completely solved my problem. In fact, it was implanted just 7 weeks ago and I ran a race today, placed first in my age group.