freaken out

my teen daughter has had a pm sence she was11yrs old an now she is going on a trip to dever she will bw on a plane far away from me i live in wisconsin ,milwauke i am ganna freak out while she is gone she has never been away that long but at a friends house omgi no she will be ok with frinds an there parentsbut its the scare of being so far away from me how should i cope with it?



by pete - 2008-08-04 02:08:02

Sound like you have done a good job. She feels independant enough to be away from you for a while. All parents have to learn to pay the rope out. Just relax and think how lucky you are to have a normal daughter despite all the worrys and struggles you have been through. Best wishes pete

She will do fine...

by Swedeheart - 2008-08-05 01:08:34


I certainly understand your concern! Do you have a medicalert bracelet for your daughter? If not, you might consider that as an additional safety measure. I wear my medic alert bracelet 24/7 and it gives me peace of mind in many ways. You might check their website to learn more:

You might also purchase a pre-paid cell phone for her or a phone card so she can call you and let you know how she is doing, that way she will have a little security blanket too!

When my son was first driving I purchased a cell phone for him with a plan... the rules were to call me immediately if he might be late for some reason, no matter what the time! It worked beautifully! He liked having his own phone, and that was the condition for keeping it! :)

They do grow up and live their own lives... it is a kind of sadness that they do, but when they do you will feel a real sense of accomplishment for being a good Mom!


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