Possible lead movement?

Hello. Im 25 years old and I had a dual chamber pacemaker implanted in 2007 from a complication of a complete sinus node ablation, which resulted in severe brady. I havent had any problems what so ever with this pacemaker, but I work at Walmart and tonight when I lifted a 20lb case of kitty litter across the scanner i felt an immediate pulling inside my chest, a slight burn, and some mild discomfort. No serious pain whatsoever and my heart rate remains at 60bpm. It has been a few hours since it happend and I still feel some discomfort in waves. Anyone know if this could be a possible lead displacement or just a pulled muscle because of the heart rate I must be still being paced normal? If I were to wake tomm with the same feeling and go to the ER because it will be Sat are they able to take a xray and see if the leads are properly placed. Thanks in advance for your input, Im young and really dont know much about this kind of thing. Thanks so much!!!!



by Hot Heart - 2009-04-11 01:04:39

Hi there! I think my leads are quite tight and if I stretch too much I can actually feel the leads pulling. Because they are in the heart and are kept there by a small barb on the end of the lead, it is possible that you might have just pulled it a bit and caused yourself a bit of discomfort.

Hope you soon feel better. Happy Easter, HH

Pacemaker lead movement

by Island Girl - 2009-04-11 08:04:26

Yes, they can take an x-ray of your chest. Ask them to see the x-ray as it will show the pacemaker and where the leads go in the heart. When the pacemaker was implanted, they ususal take an x-ray after they put it in. You can compare that x-ray to the new x-ray and it will tell you if the leads have moved.


by Tracey_E - 2009-04-11 09:04:16

If you've had it for more than a year it's highly unlikely that you dislodged a lead by lifting because scar tissue builds and holds them in place. It's more likely you pulled a muscle, possibly around your pm pocket. If you feel you are not pacing, go to the ER to get an xray asap to be sure the leads are where they should be, but if your heartrate is high and you otherwise feel good, it's safe to assume your leads are fine.

When in doubt...

by Pookie - 2009-04-11 10:04:21

get it checked out!!!!!

I don't know where you are from, but in Canada and the United States, yes, you can get an Xray even on Saturdays!!

If it is still bothering you tomorrow, by all means go to the ER to get it checked out, that is what they are there for. AND you will have peace of mind.

good luck and happy easter.


You know you're wired when...

You get your device tuned-up for hot dates.

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But I think it will make me feel a lot better. My stamina to walk is already better, even right after surgery. They had me walk all around the floor before they would release me. I did so without being exhausted and winded the way I had been.