Pacemaker Repositioning

Has anyone had there Pacemaker repositioned that is subcutaneous? Did you have any problems with it? Do you know if there is anyway that would prevent the pacemaker from being able to move again after its been repositioned? I'm thinking of having my pacemaker repositioned but my parents have some reservations about it . Because of not having information about what would keep the pacemaker from moving again after its been repositioned.



by maryanne - 2008-07-02 10:07:13

Well I echo what Cathryn has said. I am on my 4th PM and finally with my last one I asked to have it repositioned. The surgeon gladly did it, but for me I don't know if it is better position. Let say that my PM is on my Right side(I am left handed) it was moved closer to my's not in a very fleshy part of my body so it still can be bothersome...but the nice thing is they made my old scar look much better. I have had a PM for 23 years so it really is a part of me and I have just learnt to accept certain things about it....It has never stopped me from doing anything I have wanted to do.

If you have an option to have the repositioning explored I thing it's worth looking into.

Good luck, and good health!!
Mary Anne


by Tracey_E - 2008-07-02 11:07:23

I'm not sure what subcutaneous is? Mine is submammary and I recommend it. The cardiac surgeon brought in a plastic surgeon when they did the first one. The pacer itself is under the breast tissue and muscle, very much buried. The incision is vertical under my arm, where the underwire of my bra is. Other than going bra-less for a month or so after a battery change and the occasional tug when I'm pms'ing, I can completely forget it's there. I don't know why this way is so rare, it's awesome.

moving mine too

by vattens1 - 2014-11-06 12:11:36

Glad to see this here have to get mine moved it sticks out and half flips over. So is being moved down a bit i suppose under best tissue also. Mine aches sometimes does anyone get that. I got it in June because heat rate drops to 20 when I'm asleep its a medtronic. Thank you

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You get your device tuned-up for hot dates.

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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.