Is anyone familiar with the drug Gutron

I was recently hospitalized for a week due to dizziness caused by low blood pressure.My cardiologist has now put me on Gutron three times a day to see if this helps.Has any other pacer had this drug?


one more thought...

by Pookie - 2009-09-12 03:09:41

another drug I was put on to help with my dizziness was Serc. I live in Canada so it might go by another name if you live elsewheres.

if your dizziness is due to low blood pressure, which is "prove-able" by getting your blood pressure taken, then I'm sure you're on the right track, however, in my case, it ended being 2 more diagnosis.... Neurocardiogenic Syncope and Endolymphatic Hydrops which is a form of Meniere's Disease (an inner ear imbalance issue). So not only am I dizzy but my balance is off!!!!!!!!!!

I was just wondering since you were hospitalized for a week, what kind of tests did they perform? Did you get to have the tilt table test? I went thru a slew of tests with for my dizziness, some of which were fun.

Dizziness is one of the hardest things to pinpoint. dizziness is also very hard to explain. dizziness can be from any medications (including over the counter). some meds even lower your blood pressure as a side effect.....check all meds you are taking.

If your dizziness continues, perhaps you should ask to be seen by an ENT (ear,nose,throat) specialist.

Again, I wish you the best of luck.

If you want, I could send you the questionnaire that was given to me by my would certainly help you and your doctor pinpoint your dizziness.

I've been living my dizzy life since the summer of 2004 just before I got my pacemaker, so if ever you need anyone to chit chat with, I'm always here!!!!!!! You could either send me a private message or email me at



by Pookie - 2009-09-12 03:09:55

Hi Ian.

I just finished looking up Gutron and found it's the same as Midodrine, a pill used for low blood pressure. I was on Midodrine for Hypotension Intolerance but the side effects were too bad for me. Plus, to be honest, I didn't give it a long enough chance, perhaps the awful side effects would have disappeared.

Hypotension is low blood pressure. It is a measure of the blood pressing on the artery walls. This pressure helps move your blood around your body. You have hypotension when your blood pressure stays lower than normal. GUTRON may increase your blood pressure by constricting the walls of your blood vessels.

So instead I drink lots of water, eat more salt !!! and wear compression stalkings in the winter (they also keep me warm). And when none of the above works, I'm just dizzy!!!!!!! And I have lots of bruises to prove

I'm pretty sure a few other members take Midodrine and will hopefully respond to your post.

Hope it helps.



by ElectricFrank - 2009-09-13 11:09:47

One of the most common problems in diagnosing "dizziness" is recognizing the difference between being Light Headed and having vertigo.

Lightheadedness is caused by a lack of sufficient blood to the brain due to low HR or BP. The symptoms are a feeling of passing out like the world going black or sparkly.

Vertigo is a motion sensitive problem caused by the inner ear having a problem in sensing position or balance. The symptoms are having the world go around often with an associated nausea. It is like the feeling of spinning around a number of times in an office chair and suddenly stopping. One common cause is being constantly dehydrated which causes the fluid in the inner ear to become thicker.

To make matters more confusing the two conditions can interact. Drinking plenty of water can increase BP, but also thins the inner ear fluid. Having a case of severe vertigo can be scary enough to cause a person to pass out.

I mention this because most doctors aren't very good at diagnosing the difference between these two conditions. The only ones I find that understand the difference deal with pilot flight physicals. I'm a pilot and in my younger days learned to deal with it in spins etc.


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