Talked to my Ep's nurse about the throat pain???

The Ep wanted me to have an av echo and then see him on Thursday. He told the nurse to tell me he may need to adjust the settings.
They can not get the echo until Aug. 4th..soonest available! I said I can't wait that long...she said she was waiting on the doctor to call back to see what to do.
He is having me come in on Wednesday.....she said he can adjust the settings....I said I thought the St.Jude tech. did that..she said..nope the doc can do it and if they need the tech he is right around the corner.
OKAY....can the EP do it..or does the tech have to be there? I am confused!
Do they both have the device that can adjust the settings?

Thanks Holly


hi Holly

by sis - 2008-07-28 10:07:17

Hi Holly I don't have a pm but I have a defibrillator (since April of 08) and I have had mine adjusted right at the doctors office when they hook me up to interrogate it. I still get that same feeling in my throat everytime I go to a checkup and they pace me (my pacer is only set at 40 because I didnt need that yet) I just went to the Doc's today and have that same feeling right now!! Hang in there :) Jen

Remain calm...

by dward - 2008-07-29 11:07:23

It appears (in print anyway) that you're somewhat stressed about this whole thing. Stress isn't good.

An EP couldn;t make adjustments unless they HAVE the equipment to do so, so to answer your question - he must have access to the programming equipment.

Between healing and adjusting the settings (keep in mind, these PMs can do alot of DIFFERENT things for different people, so it makes sense they have to "fine tune" them for each of us.

In addition to the throat issue, I also had twitching in my diaphragm! Now THAT was strange!!! But, I just went and calmly told my PM Tech (even though I was pretty freaked out about it) - she noticed that every time she turned the PM on, sure enough, my diaphragm twitched! She thought one of my leads might be tto close to a nerve (swell!) ... but they made an adjustment and viola! It went away.

So, keep being persistent until they get the settings right - but try to remain calm. If they sense you are panicking, they will attribute (at least some) of your symptoms - to the fact that you're stressed out.


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