Fireman down! :-(

Well, I am brand new to this site and i really didn't even know there were things like this for PM people...This is cool. Anyway I've had the PM since i was 2 years old and i have pretty much done my own thing you know. I have been a Firefighter for 5 years and a paramedic for 1 year. I had just started a new fire job like a month ago and like i said i have been doing this for 5 years and on the first day at this new job i fell out twice on the hose line during training... This was without a doubt the hardest training i have ever been through. Much harder than the fire academy even. So anyway aside from the disappointment and embarassment of this happening i was confused you know. I've never had this happen. I went to my new cardiologist for the first time about 2 weeks ago because my old one left town without saying a word...nice guy huh? Anyway he told me that my PM was set to not let my heart rate go over 130 and when it got to 130 it was being shocked back down to 65... He didn't even understand why it was set that low at my age...I'm 24 by the way..So he moved it back up to 150 and in another week or so he will move it up some more to work me back into it... So now i resigned from my job because falling out on the first day because of heart problems dosn't look so good and I am back just working on an ambulance until i get back to where i need to be with my fitness. But i guess i am alittle let down for the first time in my life because of my PM and it sux!! Its finally an excuse to a problem and it never should have been. I'll bounce back though!


I admire you

by junebinflorida - 2008-06-15 07:06:45

Hi, Wigmaster.
I really took heart from your letter. Since you were two? Wow! and I whine because I had to have an ICD put in at 74. I want to say that everyone' comments help me in some way, but your were much more positive and helpful than those of the whiners.
I figure we are lucky to be in this age of technology where we can find out we have a problem BEFORE it kills us, and then, with proper care, rest assured that this magic device will save our live. I must admit, I dread the day I get a "jolt" out of it, but I have determined that ,when it does, I will tell myself, "something just saved my life!" Good luck to you , and if you are a father, hang in there for your kids. We need all you guys riding ambulances!


by jessie - 2008-06-15 09:06:46

you are to be commended and i know you will be back to being a fireman when you feel you can. you are a credit to your country and don't feel bad because i once had a nsg. job for 24 hours. at home my baby wasn't in good hands so i chose her over the job. i was working then on the heart ward of a verteran's hospital. so it wasn't for the same reason but when i went back to it i just didn't mention that job. nooone checked it was so short of time. good for you good luck in the future and walk proud. jessie


by Laugh929 - 2010-08-23 01:08:00

I know this posting is over 2 years old but I read it and found it inspiring. My husband has a PM and has had one since he was 15 (now 28). He is trying to get into our local city's FD and I am obviously nervous for the medical exam due to his PM. I have been looking for answers and support and so far you are the only one that I have read that was able to be and entry level FF with a PM. All I have read so far is that if you are in and have a PM implanted, most of the time you are ok, but if you have one and are trying to get in, forget it. That doesnt make much sense to me and I am wondering if he can't use that way of thinking as a bargining tool. Anywho, where were you a FF and did they follow the NFPA Standards? Which by the way suggests that you cannot be a FF if you have Sinusitus...I mean come on, really? My dad is a FF and has been one for 30 years, he smokes, has high blood pressure, was (and still maybe) considered morbidly obease, and has gone through two eye surgeries and still is employed.
Also did you ever get back in??
Anyways, I hope you are doing well and get the chance to read this. It would be great to hear from you. You can e-mail me at

You know you're wired when...

Airport security gives you free massages.

Member Quotes

Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!