I'm recently implanted with a pacemaker. As was, I enjoysex with my wife....How long after can I have sex?? Can I take Viagra???


You better talk to your Doc 1st

by gldoble - 2008-06-17 01:06:26

I had the same question and called. Following blood work, etc, they said sure. But this is only in my case. DO NOT take it lightly. Speak directly to your heart doctor.

As to the wait, just don't use swings and chandaleers.
They put too much strain on your arms. Other than that have fun. :)


I hope to God yes

by Brooklynn - 2008-06-17 03:06:05

I am thirty years old and had my defibrillator/pacremaker inserted about two months ago. My mom embarassingly informed me(after reading a pamphlet) that sex was ok. It also said that if your heart rate increases too much your partner might feel a shock. I for one have not had thatr happen but maybe warn her in advance=)


by TKS - 2008-06-17 04:06:25

Holy cow guys!

The replies are all just too funny. Thanks for making me smile!


Glad you opened the door on this...

by harley63 - 2008-06-18 08:06:34


Answers to the sex subject from a medical view point:

1) Viagra lowers the bloodpressure and you need to get the stamp of approval from your Cardiologist to continue using this medication. It could lower your blood pressure TOO much and that can be dangerous. VERY important to ask the MD on this topic for sure!!

2) Again, ask your Cardiologist and/or the EP MD when you can resume this activity.

Answers from a personal view point...this was one of the FIRST topics I covered with all three MD's and the Medtronic PM tech, prior to being discharged from the hospital! I've made a name for myself among them. Hey it's good for the soul and I'm still a newlywed!

Once you have the go ahead from the MD's... get it on!! A few precautions.. limit exposure to any devices (battery operated or electrical) which might interfer with the PM functioning, no swings for a while and be remindful of the limitations of usage of your upper body until the PM is seated in it's new home. IF you experience shortness of breath or weird sensations around the PM with sexual activity... discuss this with the PM tech and MD's. They increased my upper limit heart rate and that did the trick. With any increase in activity ones heart rate goes up, so it makes sense that a nice turn about in the sheets would do the same.

For further discussion on this topic send a private message.


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