Blood pressure issue

I am 58 years old and got a PM put in last years after about two episodes of dizzy spells and the pulse dropping to under 40.I am also on blood pressure medicine HCZ 25 mg.recently my blood pressure readings have been low, specillly i am talking about the lower no. it used to be 115/75 or so like normal but for the last month it has been 112/58,112/62,115/59 etc. I am worried about the lower no;how come it went down from the mid seventies to below 60 now or some times it is in mid sixties.I was on the med. even before the doctor says it is ok,can anyone share any info with me? Dorothy



by candi51 - 2008-06-26 09:06:55

My Dr's have my b/p running about 90/60 or 100/60. They say academically that is a "beautiful" pressure as long a the patient can handle it (not too tired etc.) It has taken me a while to get used to considering before meds it was 220/120 or 180/106.
I have an ICD so I don't know alot about PM's but I wonder if possibly since you have had your PM your heart has grown stronger.
I know a couple of people now who have had to decrease their meds because of the beneficial effects of a PM or ICD.
I would definately ask the Dr. Just a thought.
Best wishes-

low b/p

by joy1 - 2008-06-27 05:06:11

I too, have low blood pressure. I always have had low pressure and I used to smoke which actually kept my b/p low normal. Several of the medications I take are used to lower blood pressure but my b/p has stayed relatively steady, thank goodness. It's not uncommon for my b/p to drop down to 80s over 60s normal is 100 over 60 and high is 120 over 70. The EP who put my ICD in tried to say I had hypertension and I told her she was crazy. When I changed doctors to one who would listen to me, I was finally rediagnosed to reflect a hypotensive b/p.

Guess what I'm saying is you need to know yourself and your doctor needs to listen to you. and if you trust your doctor then you need to listen to them. The only time doctors get concerned about low b/p is when it drops into the 80' or you, your self are having problems with feeling lightheaded or dizzy. If that's the case, say something to your docs, otherwise what you are listing as your b/ps are really good and the bouncing around is normal as long as it's not to extreme.


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