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I have MEdtronic PM and have a 2-3% AV block.Have the PM since 2007.I realize this now more than ever before. When I go for a walk, walk about 3 miles at about 4m/hr pace ,I get so exhausted about may be three times during the walk.I have to slow down for a min. or so and then can continue with my normal pace. I went o my doctor and first they thought they need to up my upper limit setting to 150 rather than 120 which I had. they thought I was doing my excercising vigrous. ( I do yoga on regular bases also) But then the tech. made me walk up and down the stairs after my insisting that probably never even goes up to 140 even. she used a finger monitor to check my HB and as I was going up and down the stairs I was yelling my Heart rate to her; at one point the HB went from 108 down to 68 and that was my exhaustion point. since then I baught a wrist monitor after a and have noticed the samething that my HB drops from say 130 down to 70 and then slowly picks it up. Anyone with this problem or what suggestions do you have? I am lost.This way I have to slow down at certain points of my excercising and take a breather and then continue. I am 59 years old and this bothers me lot that I can even walk without a break to catch up with my HB. Thank you if you Can help.


go back!

by Tracey_E - 2009-12-11 03:12:54

I'd make an appointment and talk to the dr about it. It's probably not a good idea to exercise until it's resolved, it's hard on your body when your heart wants to go 120+ but stays at half that. They should be able to adjust your settings so that your rate doesn't suddenly drop.

I would ask for a stress test so they can watch you on a treadmill, more accurate and informative than running up and down the steps, lol.

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by pete - 2009-12-12 02:12:10

Your heart and your body are telling you to walk less. I would advise you to only walk 1 mile at a time and at a slower pace, 4mph is quite a fast pace. Dont strain an imperfect heart it will not appreciate it and you may live to regret it. Cheers Peter

sounds strange

by golden_snitch - 2009-12-12 09:12:03

Hi there,

just one question because I don't understand what you mean: do you have a heart block 2-3% of the time or do you have second and third degree heart block (how often)? Is that your only electrical problem or do you have a sick sinus node, too? And last, it is a dual-chamber pacer?

I'm asking because I'm trying to figure out if you really need the pacer everytime you are walking. With being paced just 2-3% of the time that's a bit unlikely. And with a heart block, the pacer should just track the atrial rate; therefore, as long as your sinus node is working well, the rate response should be fine, too. The only thing that comes to my mind when I read about the sudden rate drop is that you probably get a heart block, but the pacer doesn't really react. Could be caused by a loss of capture, a higher threshold etc.

Like Tracey said, I would go back to your doctor and have this figured out. I mean, you are being symptomatic and obviously you do have rate drops that shouldn't happen with the pacer working well.

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