sudden pain in chest

This I hope does NOT sound like I am having a heart attack... cos I am not. I have had my pm now for 5 years and have had no problems until now - I keep experiencing pain in my chest which is quite sudden but does not stay more than a couple of seconds. I was told that I was suffering from indigestion and have been taking some prescribed tablets for this. But it is still happening - I was wondering if the pacer was mis-firing or something peculiar. Any thoughts - just to put your minds at rest, (because I know how you lot worry) - I am going to have the pm checked this week. Would appreciate any comments.. Happy pacing


Sudden pain in chest

by harley63 - 2008-06-27 10:06:19


The pain in your chest.. where is it located? how does it feel? sharp? dull?

The MD's have to basically start from square one and began to rule out reasons for the new chest discomfort. IF the PM is fine then they will/should rule out gastrointestinal problems, back problems or bone/muscle problems. My continued chest pain ended up being ribs scrapping on the breast bone! Big ouchy!!

I pray for a speedy answer and resolution to this new pain.

Keep us posted,

sudden chest pain

by patpeter - 2008-06-28 07:06:05

Hey Sue,
Is this pain new for you? I have sudden chest pains frequently and the explanation I got was not to worry about it. I also have mitral valve prolapse, very mild, and was told the random chest pain was from that? I'm glad you are getting the pm checked this wk., do you have other health problems? Does the pain come on with exertion? Make sure your pm doc listens to you and let us know what happens. Take care,

get it checked

by verger - 2008-06-28 07:06:48

i'm glad you're going to get it checked. i once had 3 different doctors tell me that i had heartburn only to suffer a major heart attack a week later.
always take these signs seriously

Sudden pain in chest

by suejohn - 2008-06-30 12:06:37

Harley63 - I have been taking the indigestion tablets given to me by my GP and continued to get the pain intermittently until yesterday. Today, thankfully, I have not had any at all. I have been back to the gym where I have been excersising in since January this year. The pain is in my upper chest - (where my cleavage, such that it is , located) it is brief and on a scale of 1 to 10 it is about 4 - starting at 8 originally. So yes, they have gone for the time being and hopefullly, it is a one off. I am going to get my pacer checked on Thursday, so will update you then. Thanks for your concern. Sue.

sudden pain in chesrt

by suejohn - 2008-06-30 12:06:38

Verger - Trouble is I DO take it seriously but the doctors can be very patronising - especially if I am on my own. I have been taking the Indigestion tablets - although I KNOW I dont'have indigestion - cos these pains are nothing like it. Problem is my pacer was put in as an emergency as they kept insisting there was nothing wrong with me and I was a VERY STRESSFUL LADY....anyway, I have'nt got much faith in them all now - but my husband will be coming with me on Thursday and he will stand NO NONSENCE...Hopefully will have a few more answers then - thank you so much for your support.


sudden pain in chest

by suejohn - 2008-06-30 12:06:43

Hey patpeter

Thank you for your posting - the pain did not come on upon exertion - it would come on when I was just sitting on laying down, walkin about. There did not seem to be any pattern to it whatsoever.

The pacer was put in for SSS 5 years ago, after exhuastive tests which showed nothing until my resting pulse dropped to 29 and had nocturnal pauses of 4 secs. At which point they went ooops sorry, we made a mistake. So yeah, I have'nt a lot of faith in my doctors at the hospital and have now asked to be transferred to another hospital for a thorough cardio workout from unpatronizing docs.

Thanks for your concern -hope you are keeping well.


You know you're wired when...

You have the perfect reason to show off your chest.

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To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!