lots of questions????

i've had stents put in. and that improved my blood flow, now they say my hearts is weak? i might have to have PM put in?? that kind of scares me. how much time will i be off work for the surg.. and recovery?? i heard so bad storys about PM's. but it's better than alternative my DR. said could happen to me.. looking for some kind words, and what to expect, after if i get one??


and they let them get away with that?

by jessie - 2008-06-28 09:06:06

that is totally disgusting that the physician would make that comment. meanwhile what did he do about the possible fractured lead.? did he just let it go? it makes me ill to think that a man of medicine would say that. jessie

stents here too

by chfAT42 - 2008-06-28 09:06:38

i had stents put in too...and yes my heart is week...my ejection fraction is 31....i had a icd/pacemaker put in ..may of 07...from my own exp..i had it done on a thursday..i went back to work on a tues..but my job is sitting in a chair with a heat set on answering phones...my left side was sore for a lil while. and my icd was recalled for the possibility of a fractured lead(wire to the heart)....my doc said just like yours did..the opportunity for the product to save your life GREATLY outweights the chance of a bad wire.

you misread my post

by chfAT42 - 2008-06-28 10:06:26

my difib is fine....it was a post comment from my dr...after inquiring about the recall........there is some that have been reported..im just telling the person who posted the comment to not let a recall on "certain" devices keep him/her from putting in a device that can save their life....unless you need this device to survive...its hard to know what you would think in that situation

i agree

by chfAT42 - 2008-06-28 11:06:21

lol yes "in a perfect" world

well of course

by jessie - 2008-06-28 11:06:26

well of course when thye are implanted it is usually not an option. it wasn't for me or i would be no longer here. i still feel that the drs need to take responsibility for what they implant. i also feel that the company's are often are of the default's and sell them anyway. e.g. guidant. please don't get me started. jessie in a perfect world we would not face this but when it comes to money???????????jessie

To have or have not????

by harley63 - 2008-06-29 10:06:48

Howdy neighbor!! Lubbock Texas here..


As previously stated.. we are all different and could fuel many a debate panel with topics for discussion.

Like any step in life... you will need to gather the facts from YOUR MD's, get the "game plan" and begin weighing the options. Only YOU can make the decision to have or have not a pacemaker.

Time to make the decision, to have or have not, was not an option for many of us. I included. My hindsight suggestions.. if I'd had time to ponder this option.. gather info on the brand, make and model that they want to implant. Ask what features it has.. what settings will do what, compare the different devices and go with the one that best suits your lifestyle or will enhance your lifestyle. Note that the pacemaker comes with "factory settings" and the settings can be "twiked" to fit you! Also, recovery time is individualized.. depends on current heath status and what physical demands you will be returning to at work.

The Texas Heart Institute in Houston is an awesome place. Check out their website: www.texasheart.org for more information on heart issues. They also could be a resource for a second opinion in your case.

Cheering for you from windy & dusty West Texas.

P.S. Almost 2 yrs post implant.. I'm happy with my internal bling bling! It's been a true test of what I'm made of. But having the mind set of "this is just another road block" and finding a way around it is working for me. Being told that "I can't or won't be able to" has been permission for me to go forth and DO it anyway!

You know you're wired when...

You have a $50,000 chest.

Member Quotes

I am very lucky to have my device.