www.Medmovie.com is a must for PM/ICD.

Hello to my global family I hope you are all well it has being a while since I've posted a message but I religiously log onto Pacemaker club every opportunity I get. My name is Francisco Rodrigues from Cape Town South Africa and I would like to know if any of your family members serve aboard the USA/ USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier and her battle group which arrived here in Cape Town South Africa today, I'd like to take this opportunity in welcoming all the men and women who serve on them a hearty welcome to my country and a safe return home to there loved ones.

What I would like to share is a web site I came across that would explain my condition and what a pacemaker does to fix it,this is a must as Cardiologist do not explain things in details.
Now I have a better insight of what happens in one's heart , the site is www.medmovie.com and I highly recommend it if your Internet connection can handle it, happy viewing and I hope you all find answers .

As my wife puts it..Procrastination is the thief of time..live your life!

Many thanks and well wishes.



by Peter.Nash - 2008-10-05 03:10:51

Hi Francisco,
just had a look at the site you mentioned it is quite interesting.... the animations certainly help a lot in understanding how things work....
All I need now is one of the "pacer chicks" on this site who can sew.... and give me a couple of tuck's and pleat's in the left chamber of my heart and I will be back to normal "What ever that is" Thanks for the info>>>
good luck to you and yours Peter.N


by debbie54 - 2008-10-05 08:10:12

Hi Francisco,
The site was wonderful. I learned and understand things a bit better now. Your so right the doctors don't explain things very well. I think they do the surgery so often its almost 2nd nature to them. Thank you for passing it along. Debbie

many thanks

by djt - 2008-10-06 04:10:00

this is a great site you gave us I understand now why I had ti have a pm. once again thanks


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