The PMC Awards

It's time for the Pacemaker Club Oscars! Guys, get out those tuxes and ladies start shopping for the perfect evening gown that'll show off your scar. Winners will get their very own cyber-titanium statue and a coupon for a free battery change. The award categories are:

- most years with a pm
- shortest time with a pm
- youngest age at implant
- oldest age at implant
- most replacements
- most sets of leads
- most babies with a pm
- most current prescriptions
- ??? feel free to add your own category!

Please submit your nominations here, feel free to nominate yourself in multiple categories!

For the last 30+ years I've been the youngest patient at my cardiologist, and the only young pm patient. One of the things I like best about Pacemaker Club is that I am blessedly normal here. Because we're all extraordinary, only the most special of us will qualify to win these awards. So, let the nominations begin!


This sounds fun.

by vbilbrey - 2009-01-28 08:01:25

I've had mine for 30 years, six months and nineteen days. I have three leads (one for my original single-chamber PM) and two for my new dual chamber. I'm on my fourth. I think there are others here who have had more than four, though.

The longest I've had one pm was for 12 years to the day and the least was seven years.

I forgot a couple things.

by vbilbrey - 2009-01-28 09:01:05

Oh yeah, and I've probably been the youngest at my cardiologist as well. Oh and I had my first implanted at a day old. I think there are others here who were a few hours old, though. Not for sure, though.

I'm not special

by BillMFl - 2009-01-28 09:01:07

Not a single category I can think of. Darn.

ugliest scar

by mbvkd - 2009-01-28 09:01:21

I win! Will send pictures to prove it! :)


by Tracey_E - 2009-01-28 09:01:29

I don't know what to call the category, but you sure deserve something!

you've got a chance!

by Tracey_E - 2009-01-28 09:01:46

I'm pretty sure uvagershwin got hers the day she was born, not sure about the hours. She may have you beat on that one but it'll be close!

I think Mary Anne has you beat on number of changes but you might just be our winner for the most years.

are too special!

by Tracey_E - 2009-01-28 09:01:58

Bill, being here makes you special automatically! Sorry you can't be the most specialest of the special.

I guess I could add a category for "most adamant about GC's preferences"

Quick Change

by bobad - 2009-01-28 09:01:59

In 4 months I had no PM, then got a PM, had it removed, another one implanted, then removed, and again no PM. My head was spinning at the end of that 4 month period.

Why didn't somebody tell me...

by Gonnie - 2009-01-28 10:01:20

about these Oscars before! I've given up arc welding & strapless dresses because of my PM! I'm sure I won't be up for any awards but a girl's gotta look good watching everybody else!

Most scars.

by vbilbrey - 2009-01-28 10:01:40

Oh and I probably have the most scars related to it. Not to get too personal I have two on my back (when I was a baby they had to put the lead in through my back and around), one on my side where the original PM was, one on my foot b/c it got infected when an IV was put in there when I was a baby and the one where my new PM is on the collar bone area.

PMscars category

by arty - 2009-01-28 11:01:47

PM member furthest away [ in linear distance ] from PM Club HQ.
[ Tassie must get the Gong ]

Can I clean the red carpet? & Polish Trophy?!

by Loopy Lou - 2009-01-29 01:01:35

I don't fall into any of the catagories!! Apart from mad, crazy English lady with P.M., 2 scars - one scar a complete waste of time due to the veins being too small and consequently having PM inserted on the right side! ?

So I have decided to be the Red Carpet Co-ordinator!! I will keep it free from flufff!! and give the Oscars a buff!



by pete - 2009-01-29 03:01:06

Youngest baby is 5 hours

Oldest man 107 years

Does anyone know better ?
New Category suggested--


I cannot come up wit the correct figure for the patient with the most pacemakers but I do think I remember reading that it was between 14 and 17 due mostly to the unreliability and very short battery life of early pacemakers.

His 'n Hers

by arty - 2009-01-29 04:01:34

Do the come in Blue & Pink?

Great idea

by admin - 2009-01-29 06:01:40

I nominate myself for being paced the longest. My first device was implanted in 1978. I'm currently on my fourth device. The first one lasted 13 years.


Most perscriptions???

by Syrano - 2009-01-29 07:01:16

I`m on 18 different meds..and yes I feel like a Skil Craft chemistry set.

I also have a brand new ICD implanted ths past December. Medtronic Virtuoso DR. This one requires no cable/sensor while being interrogated. Its an upgrade from my Adapta PM. Along with the new stent, I have been cabled for hi speed and got a upgrade.;-)

Most scars?

by dairyprincess - 2009-01-29 10:01:12

Most scars??? I think Maryanne's got that award hands down! Have you seen her picture?


17 years old

by jrf329 - 2009-01-29 12:01:07

well i was born with tatrology of fallot and vsd missing third wall of the the heart had all that repaired in October 2008 if found out that at the age of just 17 i needed a pacemaker cause my heart was stopping for 20+ secs at a time. mine required a chest crack and to be placed right by my ribs because of a Glen Shunt i had before ever since the surgery i have had major complications with pain and swelling dizziness...etc and i am still waiting for the doctors to find out what is wrong hopefully soon they will well thats my story


shortest time with a pacemaker

by asher - 2009-01-29 12:01:26

Just got it December 26, Merry Christmas! 10 years old...

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