PM Phone Check

Hi, All, I was diagnosed with Long QT Syndrome 8 years ago and had my second Medtronic pacemaker implanted January 2008. At this point, I'm doing phone checks every 2 months with the pacemaker center at my hospital. The problem is, these pacemaker checks are the only reason I need to have a home telephone. I'd much rather just have a cell phone and save $50/month, but I've been told the checks have to be done on a land line. Anyone have any experience with this or suggestions? Any comments would be much appreciated!




by mgweaver - 2008-09-18 01:09:50

Hello. I too have Long QT Syndrome. I don't have a landline in my home either. Instead I just take my Carelink monitor to my in-laws or my parents every couple months and send it from there. Gives them something to watch too. :) They get a kick out of seeing me hook up to the phone line and "transmit". You could even do it at work if needed I would think. Take care and good luck!

Try it!!

by LIVE_STRONG - 2008-09-18 12:09:46

Give it a try......I dont have the phone set up for my PM....but I had an Event Monitor for a few weeks before my PM.
I was told I ABSOLUTELY had to have a Land Line. They told me this after putting it on me.
When I said I didnt have one as we have 3 cells at home..they said I would have to go to a friends or something once a day and send it that way.
The darn thing went off and filled itself almost every 1/2 hour!
A tech pulled me aside and told me CAN use a cell.
They just prefer you dont because sometimes they have to have you repeat it. They Can tell if it is not a clear read.
They just have you do it again.
Out of 75 calls or so to them....they only had trouble a once or twice.
So try it...just dont tell them unless they ask..if they do ..tell them its all you have.

Also..would it be possible to go to family, friends or do it at work once every 2 months?

Hope I was of some help....Best Wishes

Use of cell phone

by ElectricFrank - 2008-09-19 01:09:37

How do you hook the telephone cord to the cell phone? None of mine have ever had a standard telephone jack.

Reply - Pacemaker phone check and cell phone

by Gracellas - 2008-09-29 10:09:36

Thanks for the advice, everyone! I was told that I can't use a cell phone because the reading won't come out correctly, but I think I'll definately give it a try. I would try it at work, but I have alot of computer equipment there and was told this would cause "interference"...but this too is worth a shot!

To Electric Frank...the box that I use for the check doesn't hook up to the phone directly with a cord. The phone rests in the box.

Again, thanks for the suggestions. I'll try to post after I try the cell phone and let you all know if it works for me.

I don't have a land line

by rolson - 2015-03-28 01:03:02

I have a medtronic and I don't have a land line. Mine is a small hand held device that I follow the cute picture instructions and holds the wireless device to my pacemaker and then pourutt back in the main device and that's it. Once a month. No worries. they should be able to get you one! Go online to medtronic and read. Good luck!

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