press ups/push ups

anyone know what i can start doing this type of exercise again (6 weeks post implant) plus also wondered if punch bags are safe too ?


safe but it might hurt

by Tracey_E - 2008-07-18 02:07:19

It should be safe after 6 weeks but I had trouble doing my regular upper body work out for more like 8 weeks. Mine is buried very deep, though, so my recovery time was longer. I didn't let it keep me from working out, I just stopped when it pulled. You're not likely to do any damage, it'll just be uncomfortable.

I don't see why a punching bag would not be safe. As long as you don't take a direct hit to the pacer, you should be able to do whatever you want. Try it and see how it feels.

push ups

by sbassmeister - 2008-07-18 08:07:50

I have had my pacer for almost two years. I recently started doing more upper body exercises including push ups and free weights.

I still find that the push ups and bench press cause pain. I think it is due to the pressure the muscles exert pushing on the pacer as they expand during the exercise. It is usually a few days before it goes away.

look at this

by coketbone - 2008-07-19 05:07:01

this site has some good info when it comes to PM and exercise. my PM has been in since 06-27-2008 and i'm lifting light weights (bench 115) no dips yet. i do not use punching bag, DR told me no movements over my head with left arm, am only alowed to walk at 4mph for 30 mins at a time, main thing is do as DR recomends, hope this helps Thomas

Working out

by JFD - 2008-07-19 12:07:30

My cardiologist is said to be among the most liberal at Hoag (Newport Beach, CA) relative to exercise.

He advised 3 months. He believes pushups are ok, told me dips and chins ''probably'' okay but no guarantee. He was skeptical about hitting a bag. I was boxing before. His feeling is that there is a lot of impact force when you strike. His comment was that would be ''very aggressive'' and no positive endorsement of the activity.

What I finally came down to is being grateful I can still do most of the things I enjoyed, incline bench but no flys; no more dips, no more chins and no overhead work except presses.

There isn't anyone who has any solid information on this I found EXCEPT most agree that 6 weeks is pushing it.

Best of luck.

Punching bag and rate response

by ElectricFrank - 2008-07-19 12:07:54

Be sure to check if your pacer has rate response turned on. Rate response senses body movement and uses it to control pacing HR. It is only needed if you have sinus rhythm problems, but it is often left turned on after implant if you don't complain. The problem is that rapid body movements like punching will cause your HR to increase excessively if rate response is active. I first encountered the problem while running a jack hammer. One short burst on the jack hammer would send my HR to the upper limit.


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