Pulled Leads

I was wondering if anyone has felt their leads pull? I was cleared to golf and felt pretty good playing. It wasn't until a couple of days later that I developed pain in my left side around my pacer. It felt like something had moved or pulled. It may just be the stretching of the scar tissue. At first it was intense but now the pain is beginning to subside. I have full movement. Otherwise I feel better than I've felt in month. I notified my Dr and he said to wait and see how it goes. He has not asked to see me yet. My BP and heart rate are perfect. I have a dual lead pacer. Has anyone experienced this when they've tried to resume some activities? Although I was cleared I probably should have waited longer.


your lead

by maryanne - 2008-07-31 10:07:34

Not knowing when you had your PM implanted it's hard to say whether it's ok to golf or not...but you say you have been cleared. You know I had my lead replaced two years ago and I still get twinges and burning and like you sometimes it feels like the lead has moved. It is only fleeting and eventually goes away. I have accepted it as the norm. I have had a PM for 24 years so I have just learnt to accept certain things...I have a forgein object in my body...of course I am going to feel things every once in awhile. If you are not being symptomatic with it just watch it and mention it again on your next visit.

Not sure if you found that helpful or not....but go with your comfort level...if you are concerned then have it investigated.

Cheers and good health...and keep on golfing!!

Unused muscles?

by Suze - 2008-07-31 12:07:30

Swinging a golf club and a baseball bat (in my backyard) are the only activities that cause me discomfort the next day aroiund my pacemaker. Since I don't do it often I figured I'm either just using muscles I don't normally use -- OR a muscle is rubbing on the pacemaker. It's happened several times in the past two years and since my pacer checks out fine always and the discomfort (not really pain) subsides in a couple of days I don't worry. But if you golf often and it continues, I would definitely have it checked out. Better to be safe.

You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.