Glad It's Over

Is anyone else out there glad Xmas is over? Don't get me wrong I enjoy the holidays. I just don't enjoy everything that comes along with it. Every year I lose my will power. I start eating like a pig and I lose the desire to work out. The good news is it's only temporary and I'll be back to my normal routine tomorrow.
As usual I over did it today. I couldn't pass the cookies and brownies without helping myself to some. Now I'm feeling bloated and broke. I have two teenagers who cost me a fortune this year but they had a great Xmas so I guess it was a success. Hopefully I'll be back to my normal self in a week or two. Although I still have to get through New Years.


Yes Bob

by walkerd - 2009-12-26 07:12:01

its over and its I guess one of those times we overindulge when we know better, I did and am paying for it today, lol, sounds like your daughters had a good christmas, but the best gift whether you know it or even if they dont say it is having dad around for christmas. Im supposed to watch my salt intake, but the ham that i have maybe once or twice a year was soooooo good, tsk tsk, and my youngest daughter kept saying while shaking her head is your not supposed to be eating that but I still Youll get back into your routine, dont overindulge on the big new years eve celebration. Happy and Healthy New year Bob.


Bye Bye Xmas

by pete - 2009-12-26 09:12:06

What I dislike is the terrible waste of money at xmas. Ok to get something for the kids as long as you dont overdo it.The kids have flown so I missed them I suppose. I was working anyway christmas day at the hospice. I really glad I can look forward to stopping the overindulgence. Cheers Peter

Getting back

by pacergirl - 2009-12-26 09:12:24

Bob, Dave... ha ha... You two make my laugh. I too am glad that Christmas is over. Now, if we can get through the New Year celebration without too much fun we will be alright. I am so glad that these holidays only come 'round once a year! I don't think my family can take much more of me enjoying myself! lol.

Happy New year 2010! It's going to be a great one... I can tell already!



by ppt - 2009-12-26 10:12:28

Yes - but not in a negative way. What bothers me is the emphasis on material gifts. How much do we really need?????? Why can't it be to just get the family together? ?????? My family is scattered all over: CA, NH, - so sad we do not get together .... I too feel like 2010 is going to be great - I can't wait !!! Happy New Year everyone!!

I have a solution

by janetinak - 2009-12-26 11:12:52

to over eating. I got the 24 bug on Christmas eve & lost all sort of weight & my urge to eat which still goes on thru today. I do not recommend this as I wasn't able to go to friends for Christmas dinner but I lost 8 lbs. Just hope it stays off but I bet it won't. And by the way I agree with the empasis on material gifts. Oh well, lets all hope for a safer/saner new year.


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