My first check-up

Hi there everyone:
Hope that everyone here is doing fine. Seems like I had a couple of days that I don't feel as depressed as I was earlier.
Hope that it was from the shock of having my surgery.
Want to ask you another question. I am going to see my cardi. on friday, the 12th of Sept. which is a couple days away. Need some information. I know very little about how my device is set.
All I know is that one setting is at 120/130 whatever that means. Cardi said not to use my excerise bike, because if it goes over 120 my Pm/defrib. would kick in. My heart is only working at 15%.What questions should I ask etc. How do I get more information about the setting & surgery procedure. Do I ask the doctor or the rep/ tech. for the report I feel so dumb asking this, but would appreciate any adviec I can get. Will they release my records, and who to ask.
Thanks for everything, you are so special to me, & appreciate all your support. Best of health to everyone.


pretty low..

by turboz24 - 2008-09-10 10:09:19

That's a pretty low threshold for the defib. I have a 50% EF and mine is set at 220 for pacing (ATP) and 240 for shock.

There is a guy on this site with a 15% EF and he still works out, lifts weights, etc without any issues.

Your doc might be placing it low just in case, but I would ask him specifically why it's set so low as you can not really exercise at all.

You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.