Drug Costs, Effectiveness, Lipitor

I am in the US. Just calculated my probable drug costs for 2009 at about $3000 after insurance and out of MY pocket. Yikes. Three drugs are the issue: Plavix (75 mg had a drug eluding stent placed July 08) might need to take "forever." Lipitor (40 mg) needed "forever" and Amiodarone (400 mg-tried Toprol and Sotalol, but on those my ICD fired 8 times). They are trying to get me off Amio and may consider Ventricular ablation.

Lipitor is $1400 a year. Zocor is like Lipitor and has a US generic. Anyone switch these and see a difference? I can also buy Lipitor via Canada at about $700 a year and Plavix is $1600 a year in US, but (only) $1100 via Canada. Any feedback on using Canadian drugs or Zocor generic appreciated.


hi mrag

by jessie - 2009-01-30 09:01:28

if it is out of pocket and you can save here by all means buy them here.we have good coverage here and right now we are lucky. i am so trying to lose weight so maybe i don't need as many drugs. i will always need certain ones tho. it is a dilemma especially if you are young and uncovered. hugs jessie


by arty - 2009-01-31 04:01:52

Hi, I take a combination of blood preasure & Colesterol control drug called Caduet plus 100mg. Asprin.
The Caduet cost my A$5.30/month and the asprin is over the counter price. We are lucky to be subsidised by the Aus Gov. as being a senior Cit.

Zocor (Simvastatin)

by DonSoule - 2009-01-31 11:01:03

I switched from Lipitor to Simvastatin (generic for Zocor) and it worked fine for me. I asked my Dr to change it due to the cost and he didn't have a problem doing it. It worked just as well for me - you do need twice the dose for the same effect so instead of 40 mg you will probably need an 80 mg tab - I checked and it does come in the 80 mg size. Good luck - I'm going to be losing my Cobra health coverage in March and will need to find other coverage - I'll be talking to my Dr next week to see if there's any other medicatiions I can find a generic substitute for too.

Good luck,

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