Brand New - Thank You!!!!!!!!

Hi to everyone who responded to my message. I wanted to thank all of you for your words of wisdom and your support. Your personal stories about what has gone on with all of you, didn't make me feel so alone. I could feel the support. Support is so important, no words can describe it.

As for the update I went into the Cardiologist this week because my left arm was beginning to swell and become painful. The doctor suspected a blood clot, so he ordered an ultrasound. Sure enough it showed the clot. Today I was put on Coumadin. I'm a little worried about the side effects, but as my fiancee says, "God doesn't give too much that we can't handle."

Good luck to all of you and may you all stay well. You'll be in my hearts.


That's right!

by ela-girl - 2008-08-01 10:08:03

Your fiancee is smart!

God is The Great Physician and Jehovah Rapha...He can heal us! And it's true that He never gives you more than you can handle, and He never leaves you through it all. He takes us from the lowest low to prepare us for something bigger and better and to show us that He is God. Now you have a testimony!

And I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say we are glad to be here for you. We are all in the ocean of life riding the waves together. Two are better than one--when one falters, the other one can help his friend up!

Happy pacing,

Brand New

by rayan - 2008-08-02 10:08:23

Glad that you did go to your dr.and have it checked. one never knows. How did your get so sore, Was it caused by your earlier surgery, because when I have my next surgery, my surgeon wants to cut along my arm, was just wondering. The first cut was by my collar bone. So glad that you are ok. Take care.
Also a hello to all that read this message. Have a great day.

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You have a dymo-powered bike.

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I can't wait to give my son a run for his money again in the park again.