pacemaker changed yesterday. 19th Aug

Hello all. Just to let you know i had my pacemaker changed yesterday. the hosp wanted me in for 10am but didnt take me down to theatre until 15.30 and didnt get out until 17.30. I was soooooooo scared and admit that i cried all the way down to the theatre and while i was in there (Yep im a mardy bum! lol) as soon as i had the sedation i felt calmer then my old bloody PM got stuck and wouldnt come out lol just my luck! i was only meant to be in half hour and came out 2 hours later, so scar is quite alot bigger than the old one but im ok. just sore and swollen. Been told i cant shower or bathe for at least 48 hours so im nice and stinky lol go for check up tomorrow than hopefully i can wash my hair! lol..
just wanted to thank u all for ur msgs and keep you up to date :)


Glad for you it's over!

by Gonnie - 2008-08-20 05:08:47

It's bad enough to have to go thru this stuff, but to not be able to shower is the worst! Were you awake during the change? I don't remember anything during my implant. Keep the ice bag close by and you'll be feeling good as new real soon.


feel better!

by Tracey_E - 2008-08-20 07:08:16

And I told you how easy it was! I'm sorry you had a rough time of it. Delays are the worst, imo. I'm glad you're home and recharged and on the mend!

How about that....

by pacergirl - 2008-08-20 10:08:56

Hi! :-) So happy to hear you are home healing up! I will not be brave either when my time comes (sometime in about a year) to get a recharge! ha ha... by the way I was wondering what that smell was on the breeze he he! Just kidding, really! I am so glad to know you are doing well. Such an inspiration to me tonight to read your story. How brave you truly are.
Wishing you a speedy recovery from Kansas!


You get better now ya hear! he he... yes, folks, I am beginning to turn it all around.... thank you all.... love, me

yep i was awake

by Freshfemale - 2008-08-21 04:08:12

Hey Gonnie. yes i was awake. i was absolutely terrified. but i am the worlds biggest scaredy cat, im scared of everythin lol

Aw, pacergirl, ur msg was lovely. thank you very much :)

Tracey, lol, dont worry about it, i think it is supposed to be easy but me and by body dont like to do things quietly lol :) xx

You Brave Girl!

by Loopy Lou - 2008-08-21 05:08:46


I was also awake for both my procedures - a failed and sucessful insertion - long story.... I cried through both of mine as I was fully awake and the sedative certainly didn't work... awful...

Just read one of the comments regarding ice-packs - didnt think of that one!

Get those feet up and take it easy!

Sending you love and hugs for a speedy recovery from Poole, United Kingdom!

Loopy Lou xx

loopy ;o)

by Freshfemale - 2008-08-21 07:08:18

Im sending love and hugs back from manchester, uk! and your very brave. if they said to me thta mine had faikled i honestly dont think i could go through it agen so well done you :) x

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