when can i get back to work

I own my own business and just had a pacemaker installed 4 weeks ago. I'm getting alot of different views when I can start mopping, lifting supplies, cutting grass, moving gym mats etc. What have any of you experienced


how do you feel?

by Tracey_E - 2008-08-02 03:08:15

4-6 weeks is average, but it depends what you do for work and how you feel. At this point, odds are good you aren't going to do any damage by going back to work because the leads are set by now, but it may hurt. I'd try starting back slowly and see how it goes.

depends on tasks

by winesap - 2008-08-03 12:08:25

I had surgery on a Wednesday and was telecommuting from home the following Monday - I did need to take naps for a few days. I was back in the office full time the following Monday. Obviously I was not doing anything very physical since I have a desk job. I was lifting 25 to 35 pounds in a month and by two months I had no restrictions. However even after 8 months I still feel like I'm recovering - I think it is the beta blocker and I plan on discussing that next Thursday with my EP.

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