
I am finding it difficult to cope with my hubby at the moment who has a difib/pacemaker. Since his beta blockers were upped his personality seems to have changed. I do everything I can to help him and will never stop loving him but I am finding it very difficult at the moment. Has anybody else experienced this?


need more info

by winesap - 2008-10-10 05:10:48

See the discussion below regarding BB and exercise. BB could certainly be a part of the problem. They can make you feel so sloooow... They also change my dreams and make it harder to get out of bed in the morning. All these side affects could be contributing to depression in your husband (or is it some other kind of change). Remember - the physiology of everyone is different. When a medication change produces undesirable side affects - tell the Dr that it is not acceptable. There are other medication combinations they can try until something acceptable is found.


by SMITTY - 2008-10-10 07:10:32

I'm sorry to hear you and your husband are going through this bad time especially since it is a time when really you need each others support.

I have experienced what you are describing when I have taken beta blockers but I am glad to say mine were never as bad as your husbands. Beta blockers are wonderful medicines FOR SOME PEOPLE. They can also be disasters for some and based on what you say, my guess is that your husband may fall in the second category. Just look at what the literature has to say about some of the side effects of beta blocker.
"Some of the side effects for beta blockers may include mild drowsiness; lightheadedness or dizziness; or unusual tiredness or weakness; decreased sex drive; impotence and personality changes."

May I suggest that before you throw in the towel and declare it a lost cause, talk to his doctor. Carry a list of the problems you see so that you don't overlook something. And while you are at it have the doctor schedule a PM/Defib checkup. Some of the settings could need tweaking.

Obviously, if you posted your message here you must feel that you are at wits end. However, your husband may feel just as badly, but he may not even realize there is such critical problem between the two of you.

I wish you and your husband the best.


Get some help....

by pacergirl - 2008-10-10 10:10:13

Hi, I am the one with the Pacemaker at our house. I also have taken a lot of different beta blockers. Some made me really depressed, some made me angry, some made me so tired that I thought i would die and some make me so fat and swollen my hubby had to lend me his workout pants to go see the doctor! Mine were too small. Yikes!!!! All of the symptoms were from the beta blockers. I am still on a beta blocker (a new one) but it seems to be working for me now.

My advice to you is list the symptoms and have a talk with your hubby, explain that the way he is feeling isn't because he is a bad or sick person... he just needs a different medication. There are many others that might/can work better for him. He is feeling awful as well I'm sure but he might be feeling as like "what's the point". Get to the Dr. and take the list of symptoms. They will want to know about all of them. It could be as simple as choosing another beta blocker. Stay strong, you aren't alone and please know that we care about you Scooter!

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