Off the subject

I know this is off the subject, but I had to reply to Jessie about the breadlines in America. The only breadlines I have seen are people waiting to get into the restaurants on fast food row at lunch time. My wife and I went out for lunch today and got about the last table in a new pizza buffet place. So I think your son is pulling your leg, so to speak.


Son's Response

by jessie - 2009-02-28 09:02:27

Not to spread doom and gloom better to spread country crock margarine or good ole butter but my comments come from a friend of mine in the bakery industry in Portland, Oregon who told me that yes in fact there are some people in the USA in this state of affair. Yesterday Dick Perton (Radio Announcer in Detroit) was hosting his annual radio telethone for the salvation army and he spoke of the same thing...

Lets hope any bread line that does exist isnt too too long.

One thing for sure Thomas T we need the GREAT USA and I mean THE GREAT USA to get its house in order including its BANKING SECTOR... Without AMERICANS and what you stand for we as a planet are much worse off trust me... So Go RED WHITE AND BLUE!!!! We need you again...

Mike (Jessies Son)

bread lines

by lb151 - 2009-02-28 12:02:02

I am continually amazed at the amount of cars at restaurant chains around 6 pm every evening. People here in my town seem to have money or at least credit cards they havent maxed out yet. I also know first hand,as I live in a senior apt. building,that there are those that dont have food. There are a couple of guys here that go to food pantrys one or two days a week and share with those of us that cant afford food by the end of the month. WE get an increase in social security and they deduct our food stamps and raise our rent accordingly. I am a lucky one to have more than I need. I too believe we Americans will recover but in the mean time,make sure everyone you know has enough to eat as well as everyday items we all take for granted.

Bad Time Are Here

by SMITTY - 2009-02-28 12:02:39

Hello Mike,

Never fear, the U.S.A. will be here until the end of time.

I recall the big depression when people were literally standing in line for any hand out they could get and I recall my folks feeding hungry families that were walking the roads with no destination in mind. They were just looking for someplace where they hoped things may be better. Even for a 7 or 8 year old kid it was tough to look at those little boys and girls from my age to a few years older or younger and see that tired and hungry look on their face as they got up and thanked my Mother for the food and said "I guess we better be going now." That was 73 years ago and I still recall it as if were last week. And I'm not ashamed to admit it, those memories sitll bring tears to my eyes.

I recall the banks failing and I recall very vividly the financial disaster that caused my family, from parents, grandparents to aunts & uncles. We lived through that one and had a number of government programs that were designed to help people, but those programs like the one talked up now are not real help. Our government cannot provide the kind of income necessary for fast relief like we had from the help of a World War to get us out of the last one. We certainly do not need that kind of help this time and I don't think such is on the horizon.

Right now we have a starry eyed young president with magnificent dreams, but the people that will have the final say on getting those dreams implemented are older and I trust wiser. They know that our country and most of the world is in grave financial trouble right now and to make those dreams come true as presented may lead to things being worse so they will tread lightly and slowly as those dreams come before them. I think if we let nature take its course without too much help(?) form the government this thing will last from 2 to 5 maybe six years, before life as we know it will return to normal.

So my advice is grab ahold for a wild ride and some of it ain't gonna be no fun.

Tell your mother I said hello.


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