Questions for the Cardiologist........

Hello everyone!

Hope you are all feeling good today! Well, another cold, windy day in Poole, Dorset UK!! Need to emigrate I think!!

Anyway to business......... I have an appointment on Thursday to see my Cardiologist and the Pacing Technician. Last time I saw the tech guy I forgot things to ask! Put me in a room with the doc and I always seem to go blank!!!

Anyway, I know I will go in with a list....(!) but need some hints as to what to ask.... This will be the first time I see Doc since having Gerry The Pacemaker fitted - he wants to check both scars (one being a failed attempt to get leads into veins on left side then ending up with Gerry being implanted on right side!).

So would appreciate your advice regarding what to ask!

Thanks so much!!

Also regarding CHAT - I try and pop in around 7.30pm gmt if anyone is up for a chat!!

Take care,

Louise xx


Hi Loopy

by Lotti - 2008-08-12 03:08:45

I always ask at least 3 questions.

1) How much am I being paced ventrically?

2) How much Ventrically?

3) How much battery life have I got left?

You could also ask about PMT.. Pacemaker Tachycardia....This is when your pacemaker does not sense a beat so does one for you, but in fact there may be just a short delay in your natural beat. Hence you beat and your pacemaker beats. This can obviously double your rate. Only lasts a few seconds as your pacemaker realises what's going on an then pauses to "wait" for your next sinus beat.

Also ask if there have been any anomalies. Such as sinus tachycardiaor anything like that.

That's all I can think of. I expect someone else will be along with a few good ones to add to your list.

Take care

Lotti (UK)


by Bionic Beat - 2008-08-12 06:08:21

You need to make a list of any symptoms that you have and ask about them, are they normal, to be expected, can they be fixed by tweaking your pacemaker??

I know you're tired, ask if that's normal, when will it go away or do they think it's from your heart?

If you're an active person, ask when you can resume activites and give them examples of what you wish to do.....that way, they can tweak you properly.
ie If you like to go biking or swimming, tell them.

I found out the hard way that they don't listen unless you become very pro-active. Many patients are left at the factory setting is what I was told...after months of telling them that I needed to "do what I want to do". They paid no attention and just left it at a very low setting.

Good luck, if I think of anything else, I'll be back!

Bionic Beat


by pete - 2008-08-13 03:08:13

Ask them at each check what the impedance of each of your leads is and write it down. Compare this at each check to see if there has been any dramatic change.
If so ask them why. It is a sign of trouble on the horizon.
Also ask them to display the Gas Guage if your pacemaker has one and ask to see it on the computer. Very reassuring to actually "see" your battery is still good. I did send you my "story" can you email me back on your comments. Thanks Peter

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At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!