To my dear Pacer Chicks.... thank you so much for your emails regarding America!!!

In fact I ignored Zombie's rant and put it down to the meds he may be on......!!!

You two gals are so passionate about your country and I admire you for that....

As regards to my Florida adventure.... I am coming on 20th December until 10th January and my family and I are so looking forward to it!!!!

I will chat with you later - thanks for your support!!

Love & Hugs, Loopy Lou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



by Tracey_E - 2008-10-01 09:10:56

It's official, it's official! What airport did you decide on?

CABG Patch... you sure your wife won't let you be an honorary PC?!

You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

It may be the first time we've felt a normal heart rhythm in a long time, so of course it seems too fast and too strong.