Help! can anyone recommend a good insurance company for my forthcoming holiday to Florida for 3 weeks..... that is not too expensive?

So far I am being quoted around £400 because of Gerry the Pacemaker!! eeeek!

Any advice please throw my way! Thank you very much!

Love & Hugs, Loopy Lou xxxxxxxxxxxxxx



by jessie - 2008-10-24 04:10:46

the little suckers are expensive especially in the first year. then it is cheaper. try bupa international. my husband gets his insurance thru them. jessie


by pacergirl - 2008-10-24 05:10:32

Hi, Loopy Lou,

Sorry, but I can't recommend an insurance co. but if you require a Dr. while Florida you will have no trouble finding one. When I traveled to the UK early last year I was a bit concerned as well about medical insurance. I was fine, no worries at all.

I hope you have a lovely stay, I am just sorry that I won't be able to join you. Kansas is smack in the middle of the US and too far to drive in a day.

Have fun and I hope you can enjoy the sunshine!


by Peter.Nash - 2008-10-24 05:10:57

The British Brtish Heart Foundation/Advice
Peter. N


by Tracey_E - 2008-10-25 10:10:57

If you happen to run into trouble when you're here, call me! I'm fairly central to where you'll be most of the time you're here. But hopefully you won't need it!!!!

Ok, dumb question... my insurance pays for me to see a doctor anywhere if I have an emergency so I've never considered travel insurance. Doesn't all insurance work that way?

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