Naughty messages?

Well, not sure what has been going on in our Happy Club, but raising an eyebrow to why someone would want to write an abusive(?) message on here.

We are all here for the same reasons, support, laughter, empathy, sympathy - the odd box of Kleenex thrown through cyber-space to comfort our fellow Pacer Chicks and Pacer Boys, cracking open the odd bottle of wine in Chat.... etc etc....

We all know how serious things get in our lives now, and how upset or 'angry' we get...... But this Club is truly amazing and I am so glad we are all here for each-other because I couldn't cope without you guys!! And this is me being serious for a change!!

My next message will be back to it's normal crazy type! Sorry for waffling!

Love & Hugs, Loopy Lou xxxxx

4 Comments's all you

by Angelie - 2009-02-09 12:02:23

You're the funny one.
You remind me of Blanche from the Golden Girls. LOL!


by Angelie - 2009-02-09 12:02:27

what does waffle mean?

In the states, a waffle is something you eat. LOL!
breakfast waffle, waffle cone, etc.

I'm gonna love ya, hug ya, and squeeze ya to pieces-

You are both right

by maryanne - 2009-02-09 12:02:39

Funny how one word can have different meanings....when I saw Loopy Lou's use of the word waffle I knew exactly the content in which she was using...funny Angelie I didn't even think of the waffle we eat...which I love!

Hugs right back to you all.....


by Loopy Lou - 2009-02-09 12:02:43

Hello my dear!! Waffle means to mutter and mumble on and on about a particular subject!!!! ha ha ha!!! forgot that you eat waffles!!! you are soooo funny!!!!! xxxx

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