Members Photo Gallery

Hey all!

Is there an easy way of scrolling to the last page of the photo gallery? Or do we have to go through one page at a time?

Is there a chance photos could be numbered - or at least the pages?

or any chance that the member who has posted photos in said gallery, could have have the photos printed on their profile page? (a bit like Facebook?).

Thanks again to our Blake for our wonderful Pacemaker Club!!



Plan to fix this

by admin - 2009-04-02 03:04:22

I'm waiting on our web developer to make this improvement to the gallery, as well as other improvements to the site. It is on his "to do" list and hopefully he gets to it soon.


I second this one

by ElectricFrank - 2009-04-02 11:04:43

Good idea. Whatever works to make it possible to find the photo of a member.

I do my own web site so know the effort it takes to implement changes like this.



You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

Member Quotes

I, too, am feeling tons better since my implant.