Silly Quick Question !

at the risk of sounding ... really ... silly....... here goes...

What form of x-rays can us Pacemaker Chicks have.... other than the old fashioned way!!!!??? No posh M.R.I.'s for us then?!! If we need an in-depth exam.... what are we going to do?



by donb - 2009-04-02 03:04:53

HI Loopy, Just want to comment about MRI's. I was worried also about CAT only but as always, any test is only as good your surgeon.. I had lower back surgery twice, last time in year 2000 with my PM. My neurosurgeon did 4 and a half hour job on my back, spinal stenoses. This lamenectomy was from L1 to S1 and he worked with CAT scan. Two years later I had right shoulder rotor cuff, again CAT scan. Of course I still worry about other organ problems. One thing, all our hearts are quite durable and our Cardiologists have come a long way.


by Loopy Lou - 2009-04-02 05:04:00

Thanks Amanda...

but are they just as good as,,,, say an MRI. Will they still show up any normalities? Not paranoid or anything - honest!!!

CAT Scan

by amanda - 2009-04-02 05:04:03

Computerized Axial Tomography is safe.

Ultra Sound

by amanda - 2009-04-02 05:04:11

Sorry , I forgot to include Ultra Sound, All are except MRI from what my Dr. has told me.

Yes and No

by amanda - 2009-04-02 06:04:27

Lou, I feel it depends on why you are having it and what information is required.
In some cases one procedure could be better for certain things and vis versa. You Dr should be the best person to advise you or there may be other members that can give you some extra infomation.

Any but Magnetic

by bobad - 2009-04-02 10:04:12

Imaging that is based on sound or X-ray is safe. MRI is based on powerful magnetism, and could make your pacemaker jump out of your chest like in the Alien movies. Not really, but it would destroy your PM and would probably be very uncomfortable.

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