Reply to Pete´s message - Pacemaker replacement in patients who already have AV node ablation

Hi there,

I read you posting, which you have posted quite long ago, but it could still be interested to you.

I haven´t had exactly normal PM replacement, but I think that it will be quite similar to that, what I had ;-)...

... so I have got the third degree AV block by ablation as well. But when I was on my last (fifth) ablation, they destroyed the AV node and fitted in just external pacemaker - the last ablation took 8 hours and the doctor told me that he will give me the normal pacemaker in two days... so first I had the external one - it looks like a holter monitoring - small box outside your body with the electrode or elecrtodes fitted in.

So then I had the replacement from the external to normal one. During this operation, they leave the electode inside and do the pacing still by the external one, then he made the place for the normal one and fitted in another electrode, but still did the pacing by the external PM, when he will ready with the normal PM, he tried if everything is ok and switched on the normal one, after that all, he stoped the external one and pull it out. And that was all ;-).

Have a wonderful time!

Take care,




by pete - 2008-09-21 02:09:26

Thanks for letting me know. Im still doing exceptionally well. I am going to see my son in New Zealand again 12000 miles away. I shall probably climb another mountain to keep my pacemaker in trim !!! Good luck Peter

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Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.