
Hi all, this is my 1st post. Just had my 1st pacer replacement on 3/8/10. It still hurts quite a bit, in fact it feels like a microwave just invaded my chest. I really thought this surgery would be easier then the 1st. The nurses at the docs office make me feel like a junkie, because I would like more pain meds. Is my pain unusual, or am I just a big sissy?


Re: Pain

by timberhitch - 2010-03-12 03:03:15

No, you are not! I just had a revision to the pocket on Wednesday and it hurts like Hell!!! I have had my PM in since the end of December and I was never pain free. Hopefully this surgery will have corrected that in the future days and weeks. You should not feel like a junkie for asking for pain medication. I have been told by several doctors to take the pain medication as it actually speeds the healing process because your body is not fighting against overcoming the pain. Being addicted is another story, however.

I have never had a problem getting pain medication when I needed it. They do not put any refills on it, however, so they have control on how much you are getting which is fine with me. Good luck with your healing and I hope you get relief soon from the pain. I know what you are going through!



by patsy - 2010-03-12 04:03:37

no your not a sissy i also ask for pain meds before i left the hospital an i am glad i did because i new i would of never made it without them only had one perscription but it help for that first week you come home from hospital. youll feel alot better after the first week or so an you will always feel your pm area feeling a little strange but you will be ok cause i am the biggest baby wen it comes to pain an i made an so can you i have had mine for 4 1/2 month now an i have my days were i no its there an wen i dont even think about it my neighbor just found out i have a pm and she couldnt believe it lol see you never see anyone so much in the winter month but here comes spring yah!!!!!!!!!!!! keep resting Patsy

Re: Pain,

by LS - 2010-03-12 06:03:07

Since it's only been 4 days since your PM, I don't think you're being a sissy!!
Good grief, give it some time. LOL I'm at 40 plus days & still am afraid someone will bump me there! It took me a good 5 weeks to be able to stand my bra sttrap over it.
Give it some time to heal & I'm sure you'll be fine.


by JessiWay - 2010-03-13 05:03:33

My PM went in on the 23rd of February, I am almost 3 weeks post-op. It still hurts from time to time. It hurts if my clothing rubs at all, so I keep it pinned to the side. it hurts if I end up on that side while sleeping, it still burns a bit & aches from time to time. Give yourself a break, dear. You had a piece of metal implanted in your chest. Take care & we are her if you need to whine! =)

Wonderful Group

by cshanteau - 2010-03-20 11:03:19

Thank you for such support, I went from feeling like I have a microwave to my chest - down to a toaster- and as of today it a cell phone:) Maybe by tomorrow it will feel like a pacer. Again this is such a wonderful place, thanks.

Prolonged Pain

by USAF - 2010-03-20 12:03:36

You're way too soon from surgery to be worrying about pain meds and their use. If it hurts, ask for and use them. when the time comes and you begin to get good range of motion back with Moderate discomfort, then yes, back off the pain meds. I had my first pacer implanted in 2001 and my 2nd one today. I'm using low dose pain meds and within 5-7 days will be off meds and back to of luck though...

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