Who has lived the longest with a pacemaker?

In the new letter it says Arne Larsson has lived the longest (41 years) with a pacemaker implanted. It will be 42 years for me this summer.

On July 3, 1968, at age seven, I underwent open heart surgery for an ASD. I then developed a complete heart block. I received my first pacemaker on August 5, 1968.
I have survived two cardiac arrests and a heart attack. I received an ICD in January 2005, which is my twelfth device.
August 2006 I had open-heart surgery to replace a valve.

To read a more detailed account of my story go to:



by Gellia2 - 2010-03-16 01:03:00

I happily turn the "Grand Poohbear" award for longevity over to you!

I'm 35 years with mine. I got it in 1975.

It's really good to hear from someone that has had one longer than me!

Very cool. May you have MANY years more!



by Tracey_E - 2010-03-16 01:03:37

It's so great to hear from you!! Welcome. I'm a relative newbie, I've only had one for 16 years so far. :o)

Re: uireland

by LS - 2010-03-16 02:03:27

WOW!! Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Wishing you many more years!!

Thanks for sharing

by admin - 2010-03-16 08:03:29

Great story. Thanks for sharing.

The newsletter article on longevity was based on information that we found online. Apparently, it was not accurate as you and other members have reported having a pacemaker as long or longer than 41 years.

I plan to do a follow-up article on members who have lived, say over 30 years, with a device. Would you be interested in being involved? If so, I would send you some questions later this Spring. The next newsletter will be published in May or June.

Please reply to info@pacemakerclub.com



Who has lived the longest with a pacemaker

by seacoolccc - 2014-04-02 08:04:26

I've had a pacemaker for 36 years. The first pacemaker was implanted in 1980 and lasted 20 years.

I'm not Quite There

by JuTaylor - 2016-04-07 08:04:22

I've decided to celebrate by having a 'Pacemaker Party' with my friends and family this weekend. I'm celebrating 30 yrs of being pacemaker dependant. I'm not quite up there with the longest of you, but I'm up there. I'm 45 yrs old now and on my 4th implant. First one inserted in April 1986 when I was 15. It's fantastic to think that people of a similar age to me, will in the future be the longest pacing people around. I'm in the UK, so figures could be different here.

Thinking about my 30 yrs with my pacers had made me very reflective. I'm proud to be celebrating it with a party. Life should be celebrated hey! I've had an amazing 30 yrs with mine. It's changed my life. Thank goodness for the wonderful NHS Service in the UK.

Happy pacing folks
Julie xx

Just curious

by Acjrasmussen - 2019-01-23 14:38:39

I am 46 now and got my first pacemaker at 6, in 1979. I’m just wondering about the longest living and / or other information. 

Just curious, thanks 


by cramsay - 2023-08-19 06:43:04


I'm 24 yrs paced and have had bad luck with leads. I have 4 implanted and 3 are dead/dying.

I am interested to learn more about what has been the lead-related experiences of you other long-termers? Have you had better luck, or had some extracted, or more than 4 implanted...?

It doesn't seem like there are many great solutions out there for long-termers with bad luck lol


Wow. Now it's 55 years. Amazing.

by MiracleBaby78 - 2023-10-01 18:48:45

I'm ten years behind you, getting mine in July 1978.  

You know you're wired when...

Airport security gives you free massages.

Member Quotes

It is just over 10 years since a dual lead device was implanted for complete heart block. It has worked perfectly and I have traveled well near two million miles internationally since then.