Did I get zapped?

I had an experience Friday night that I want to get others input on. About 9:30 I was sitting at my computer when I had a feeling come over me that really scared me. Everything slowly became dark and I had that rushing sound in my ears. My whole body felt limp. I think I recall my heart speeding up but at the same time I felt like life was sliding right out of my body. I literally thought I might be dying but couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't shout to my husband who was in the basement. I'm guessing the whole thing lasted about 5 or 6 seconds and suddenly was over. My vision returned and I got up to take my blood pressure but was pretty wobbly on my feet. After a few minutes passed, everything returned to normal. My BP was slightly elevated as compared to normal but in a few minutes was right where it should be. I don't recall a jolt of chest pain or pressure like I'm expecting when I do get zapped but I had a bit of a flash sensation behind my eyelids just as the whole episode ended. I am asking you if you think I should call the Medtronic person & arrange for an interrogation to find out what may have happened. I had a perfectly normal weekend & haven't had any issues since then. I don't want to overreact but this was certainly a new one for me and it happened 10 months to the day of receiling my pm/icd.


Thanks for your comments

by Gonnie - 2009-05-27 03:05:48

I took your advice & called my Arrythmia Services person at the hospital and it turns out they did an interrogation just last night as I slept (my bedside box pulls the info during the night.I don't have to call in.). I told her about my episode & she looked at it & said I had a period of rapid heart rate & will highlight for the cardio doc to check out prior to my June 10th appointment. Thanks again for your responses!


by Tracey_E - 2009-05-27 10:05:08

That sounds like a blackout. You should have headed to the ER! Definitely call and ask if they want to see you. It's probably not the icd but you should be checked anyway.

What Happened

by SMITTY - 2009-05-27 11:05:51

Hi Gonnie,

I have to guess that you may have had an A-Fib experience like I have had, except I totally passed out with mine. But what you describe is what I felt like up until passing out, except for the conscience loss of vision. You really need to do as Tracey suggested, see a doctor. The next time, if there is another time, call 911. By going to the an ER they can check your pacemaker and if you are lucky it will have recorded some details of what happened.

If it is A-Fib when your heart rate slows down it will sometimes get too slow. Of course, with you having a pacemaker it shouldn't stop, but you need to know what is going on because there are several things that can happen with A-Fib, most of which are not good.

As for your getting zapped, if you are talking about your defibrillator zapping you, I doubt it. While I don't have a D-Fib unit, I have talked to a couple of people that have one and from what they both say there is no doubt about what has happened that thing zaps you. The zaps seem to vary from just being wide-eyed attention getters to Oh Lord don't let that happen again.

Good luck,


Thanks Patch for thinking of me!

by Gonnie - 2009-05-28 12:05:13

Nothing specific was mentioned but I intend to talk to them at my appt. I always learn so much on here! It's funny that you get religion. I get very patriotic as in "GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! when I'm surprised by something.

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