pacemaker pain

have had ongoing discomfort for 6 months since pm installed.
Recently read a message here from Cathryn that she used a vibrator on the area of the pacemaker at Dr. instructions,plus kenalog inj in insision site. Talked to my Dr. and he want me to try it. Getting Kenalog inj today but need to know what type of vibrator would be the best to buy. They will be testing the vibrator on the site at the pacemaker clinic with my Dr. once it is scheduled and i have the vibrator. Has anyone else done this and if so, what type of vibrator did you purchase. Thanks. Jan



by ElectricFrank - 2009-02-27 12:02:41

Probably a battery operated vibrator would be a good idea. The two concerns operating it very close to the pacer would be electrical interference (worse if it is a plug in type), or a magnet in the motor. I'm glad they are going to test it at your checkup.


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