no insurance (response)

I'm new at this internet stuff, so I hope I'm using this site right. Thankyou everyone for your great ideas and education. I've got a long way to go understanding what's just happened to me. I know being able to put it to words will help the medical people understand any changes and in turn help me too. As far as this financial mess goes, it looks like we'll get a home equity loan, (we've done this before and are all paid off now). We own our home. Less stress to just pay them all off. But, I will check out many of your suggestions next week. Thanks again,, everyone!!


negotiate first!

by Tracey_E - 2008-08-25 07:08:24

Talk them down first, don't just pay it in full! Insurance companies sure don't pay it all. My last one was $40K but if I read the statement correctly BC/BS paid them less than $10K.

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