Should I Take Aspirin With A Pacemaker?

A doctor recently told me that she wouldn't advise taking aspirin with a pacemaker. I never got around to asking "why not?" Does anyone have any info about aspirin and pacemakers?



Are you sure this lady is a real doctor?

by ted - 2010-02-05 09:02:04

If the only reason this person told you not to take aspirin is because you have a pacemaker, I would change doctors immediately because that is an idiotic statement.


by Tracey_E - 2010-02-05 12:02:24

Having a pm is not a reason to take aspirin every day but having a pm doesn't mean it's bad to take it. Many of us are on it for other conditions.

She Was An ER Doc. I'm Uninsured. Only Met Her Once.

by CyborgMountainHuffer - 2010-02-06 02:02:15

The only justification I can imagine for what she said is if the charge from the pacemaker produces a somehow weaker beat, and therefor the thinner the blood, the poorer circulation is going to be.

That's the only thing I can think of. I've searched it online, but I can't find any other source that says aspirin is contraindicated for those with pacemakers.

aspirin ?

by LS - 2010-02-24 03:02:07

My Dr. has me on 81 mg of baby aspirin along with Lopressor & Tikosyn daily.
Aspirin 1 time a day & the other 2 times.

You know you're wired when...

You take technology to heart.

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A properly implanted and adjusted pacemaker will not even be noticeable after you get over the surgery.