LVAD Questions...

Hello fellow pacers.

I just came from an appointment with my cardiologist. It seems that my heart failure is worsening and is nearing the critical point. He is suggesting the implantation of a Left Ventricle Assist Device (LVAD).

Does anyone out there currently have an LVAD? If so is it really improving your quality of life? If you had to do it over again would you? How was the surgery?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your comments!



by Angelie - 2009-05-15 08:05:05

Sorry to hear that your heart failure is worsening. To my knowledge there isn't anyone here with a LVAD. A long time ago someone asked the same question as you and they got no response at all.

Who knows though, maybe someone out there will pop out of nowhere. I wish you the best, and I hope you can find all of the information and LVAD support that you need.

Let us know how you're doing,


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