New pacers on the market

I am just looking for information in case I needed the replacement in the future.
My pacer went into ERI mode on 8/30, there is no plan for a replacement yet. While sitting here waiting for an answer from the doctor, I want to know if there are any pacer that is smaller than what I have now (Medtronic Thera i DR). I am not a big person and consider slim, I just don't want another BIG scar on my chest, I show the doctor my scar and he said it is big indeed.



by Tracey_E - 2008-09-16 11:09:27

You shouldn't get a new scar when you get a replacement. They usually go in the same place and use the same pocket. I use medical grade vitamin E ointment after surgery and it usually looks pretty good again within 6 months. I'm on number four now. :o)

No plan for replacement?

by ElectricFrank - 2008-09-17 01:09:17

As long as it isn't affecting you I guess holding off replacement is OK. The problem is that when pacers go into this mode because of limited battery life remaining they shut down some of the features that they considered important for you in order to conserve power. If they were important before the mode change why aren't they now.
My plan when I reach that point is to demand that they schedule a replacement very soon.


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As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.