A week later

It's a been a week since I had my pacer removed. I am doing fine and don't feel any big changes. Before I had the pacer removed, I was told I will have to wear a heart monitor for 2 weeks to make sure my heart rate doesn't drop too low at night, I haven't heard anything from the doctor's office about it and I don't have any appointments with the doctor either. They don't even let me make a follow-up appointment for wound check.
I understand it was my decision to have the pacer removed but I would think the doctor would at least wants to see me one more time just to make sure everything goes well. I am just confused.


Why No Return Visit

by BOB 1 - 2008-11-25 09:11:03

Think about it now. Does a dentist have you return after he pulls your teeth? No, because you are no longer a source of income for him, so why waste his time. With your pacemaker removed you are no longer a source of income for that doctor, so why should he waste his time.

One Week Later...

by Pookie - 2008-11-25 09:11:32


Good to hear that you are doing fine.

Are you wearing the heart monitor now?

Can you go to your family doctor for a wound check?

It can be very frustrating and almost maddening when the doctors don't want to care for you anymore. I'd simply call and ask them where you now stand with them.

Good luck & keep us posted.



by PeggyR - 2008-11-25 10:11:14

Guess I would be calling the doctor's office and request an appointment and ask them about the heart monitor.
My monitor was shipped to me through the Pacemaker mfg. Don't hesitate to push your point, we have to be active in our care. No one else seems to do it for us.
Good luck, take care.

You know you're wired when...

You need to be re-booted each morning.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.