I was helped...

Hi all,
As I wrote in an earlier post ProLine Sports (www.proline-sports.co.uk) a company in Cardiff (UK) has agreed to make a protective cover for me when I am doing judo. I think its only right and fair to give them some publicity as a small gesture of thanks, and hopefully if anyone else out there reads this will try them.
As I said I tried most of the bigger sports goods suppliers (who will remain nameless) who tended to be totally uninterested.
If you're into contact sport, don't think you HAVE to give it up, there are people out there willing to help.



by petethetreat - 2008-09-16 01:09:08

Thanks for this information. I live in scotland and was hoping to sit my 1st dan in karate this november but had to get a pacemaker fitted in June. Have already spoken to my instructor about various protective vests and stuff but hadnt really found anything as yet. Noticed your article a few days ago and have already checked out their website.
good luck with the judo


by vikki ayto - 2008-11-25 06:11:58

Hi, I've recently stated Tai Kwon Do, and have had worries about the contact issues involved in the free-sparring, but I came across a post somewhere on here the other day, and it seems that the TAGB website offers a protective vest for about £35.

Thought it might be of interest. Good luck with your grading.

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You run like the bionic woman.

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Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.