
Doc just prescribed Diltiazem tablets, 120mg for me to control spikes in heart rate. Is anyone else on this med and if so any side effects? I've already research online and know would/could be different for each person but just looking for input from those that actually take med.




by SMITTY - 2010-04-02 02:04:16

Hello Peggy,

I have been taking diltiazem since 1985. I now take it primarily for BP and arrhythmia control and at one time it was prescribed to control angina. My dosage has ranged from 30mg/day to 480mg/day. I currently take 60 mg/day.

For me it as been the best, or the worst, medicine I have ever taken. Wonderful when the dosage is correct, but useless, or hell, when the dosage is incorrect. The 480 mg/day almost did me in. When my dose was to high I had low BP, but never dangerously low, and palpitations like you would not believe. The 60mg/day will slow my heart rate, but my pacemaker takes care of that and BP stays at a good level.

I never have any doubt that our doctors prescribe what they think is best based on the symptoms they see or hear. And they will have no reason to think the medicine and dose is not perfect unless we tell them.

If you are taking 120mg/day in one dose, I'll give you my experience with that. About 30 min. to an hour after taking the med I would began to feel extremely bad and have what seemed like unending palpitations. Four to five hours later I would start to feel reasonably well, the palpitations would become fewer. About the time I had to take another dose, I was feeling halfway decent. Then take the next dose and there I would go again. I later learned that the effectiveness of diltiazem is supposed to last only 6 to 8 hours, regardless of the dose. I have no idea where it goes, but I have had more than one doctor tell me that.

So what I'm trying to say is if you are just starting the diltiazem pay close attention to how you feel for a little while after taking the med. It could be that 120mg is perfect for you or that you will need a smaller dose, or possibly need to spread the 120mg out over more than one dose.

Good luck,


side effects

by justme - 2010-04-02 07:04:03

that's the dose that I've been on since my stuff started.
When taking it I get constipated (ick) but it is not bad enough to have to use something for it.
Also, when starting it I got some mouth sores, which is not in the side effect hand out, but is similar to some of the gum issues that are listed. They only lasted for about 2 weeks.
Also, I've had to start and stop taking it about 4 times for various reasons and it has impacted my monthly cycle (changing the dates. Pretty much made it start one week after starting taking cardizem, but after stopping taking the cardizem I would skip a month or two).
Also, I did experience some anorexia type symptoms.
For me the cardizem worked for preventing arrythmeias and stuff. I was not taking it for blood pressure, but while on it my blood pressure was higher than normal, but nothing too high. It also helped reduce/end the angina feelings that I had been experiencing.
I think that's about it.


by justme - 2010-04-02 07:04:03

Sorry, I typed "cardizem" in my response, but that is the brand name for diltiazem. I always took the generic.


by sam78 - 2010-04-02 07:04:45

I am not someone who normally gets headache but I had horrible headaches on that medication. They even tried putting me on IV form when I had to come off my medication and I had even worse headaches from that. But you know, everyone is different.. never know till you try.


by PeggyR - 2010-04-02 08:04:52

Appreciate the responses -- and Renee, thanks I know they give an info sheet with prescriptions but was looking for first hand experience from the wonderful members of this club. Smitty -- good idea, I will pay attention to the "timing" of any happenings. Will be curious to see if it does anything to my BP, which is normally about 120/72. It's all such a learning process, sometimes trial and error with a lot of educated info from our docs. Again, THANKS to all


by charlotte - 2010-04-02 10:04:45

my husband was on this med, it caused his lower extremeties to swell up and hurt like H*LL, he is unable to walk, must use a walker or wheelchair.

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The pacer systems are really very reliable. The main problem is the incompetent programming of them. If yours is working well for you, get on with life and enjoy it. You probably are more at risk of problems with a valve job than the pacer.