Postings lately

Seems like we are getting a few morethan normal negitive posts on our little site, it just amazes me that some people can even spread thier hatered and try to start turmoil even on Support website. It is really getting to be a sad world when you have people stirring up things on a support website, it truly is amazing. There are numerous sites I go to during my morning visits to similar sites and see some of the same things going on. Oh well I guess it takes all kinds in the world to make it turn, I just hope it doesnt start to disrupt this fine site is all. I just think that there is to much hatred in the world today. I hope im not reading to much between the lines. Hope everyone has a happy Easter, dont eat to much chocolate. And thank god for the second chances we recieve.



Think positive...

by Melissa - 2009-04-13 01:04:13

I guess we'll just have to increase the number of positive posts we write to compensate!

If there are far more positive comments than negative ones, we won't take as much notice of those who try to bring us down.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter.

....oh and I say eat all the chocolate you like, this weekend it doesn't count ;-)


I did and I do

by walkerd - 2009-04-13 08:04:23

Your right melissa it just makes me mad to read some of the posts in here is all.There are way more posts that are positve. And yes I ate too many chocolates and someother things which I wont mention cause im really not supposed to eat, lol oh well. Its a good thing this weekend didnt count, but Ive been useing that excuse to much.

You know you're wired when...

You have a dymo-powered bike.

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I can't wait to give my son a run for his money again in the park again.