Statin drugs

Got the push on statin drugs by Cardio. In fact he gave me 6 weeks of free samples(10 mgs) Way to strong for me, ankles swelling, fog, dizzy, chest pains................Crestar is the strongest of the six brands. Any advice on the different brands available?? My cholest. is 202 and hdl and ldl are good to normal with the triglycides very low @45. I would like to start at a very low dose and work up. I brought my cholestrol down from 280 with red wine vinegar and unprocessed bran on my oatmeal. oh yes, and a glass of red wine at dinner.
The lowest dose of Crestar is 5mg....still much higher than entry level of the other brands.
Thanks, -Philman



by robertsjohn1945 - 2010-02-05 04:02:39

I supplement with CQ10 for muscle pain. Have reduced my statin to half a pill 10mg every other day. But if your good cholesterol is above 40 you may still be OK. The red wine is to much alcohol... my opinion.


by DanaT - 2010-02-05 09:02:32

Hi Philman. I'm on 20 mg Lipitor and it brought my cholesterol way down, under 200 as it should be. I'm a small person 4'll and I haven't had any side effects. And I'm usually sensitive to side effects. Ask your doctor about it.


by cathtx - 2010-02-05 10:02:48

I was on 10 mg of Crestor for a couple of years and it was effective for my chol but I started developing side effects...muscle pain, back ache, etc. I did my own test by stopping it and the symptoms went away and when I restarted it they came back. I did this because I was pretty sure my dr wouldn't believe me. She always pushed Crestor pretty hard. I was switched to 40 mg Pravachol about a year ago and have had no difficulties also it is generic and much cheaper for me. If one doesn't work for you it is your right as a patient to change. You should not have to feel sick because of your meds.
Good Luck,

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