
Have just found out that after passing out 3 times they want to fit a Pacemaker in MY heart! Well I was stunned, only old people have those dont they! I know I am 62, but like to think of myself as a young fit 62. So I looked up on webiste about Pacemakers and came across your site. I can breathe a sigh of relief when reading your letters, not only has it helped me, but most of you so young 20's and 30's. Quite looking forward to having it fitted now.
Thanks all you Pacemaker Buddies xxx


Nice to see ya- Welcome

by Angelie - 2008-09-17 01:09:11 they said.....some older some younger. I'm 33, and just had a pacemaker implanted a month ago, but I've had bad arrhythmias for 8 years. Now that the pacemaker is in, I'm trying to re-claim my youth. It's good to feel my age again, but I've been stuck in this old lady body for so long now that I don't know where to begin. Right now, I'm just trying to pick up the pieces.
I hope you find this site as helpful as I did when I first found it. It's been a lifesaver

I ditto everyone else

by malston01 - 2008-09-17 02:09:34

I'm 39 and just received my PM 4 weeks ago and just recently started to feel like like GREAT!

I was diagnosed with Syncope (passing out) and failed the vaunted tilt test miserably, accoding to my cardiologist. WHile on the table I passed out after 4 minutes and had a 5 second pause.

I have been feeling sluggish, dizzy for the better part of 6 years but got used to the feeling and simply lived with it. I did not tell doctors as I never considered dizzy spells and constantly being tired to be a serious problem. Well after passing out and being rushed to the ER, it is official that I have a condition.

The first 3 weeks of the PM caused severe anxiety and that made me feel horrible. WIth help form this forum and after 4 weeks to recover from surgery I feel like I did
at age 16.

I have been walking around for 6 years and never new how I was supposed to feel.

Thank GOD for a cure !

Good Luck

by chillks - 2008-09-17 03:09:27

I love your attitude...and like you, I was 62 years young when I had to get my pacemaker in June of this year. I had a bad heart attack in mid May and they implanted two stents. Then four weeks later they determined my heart's electrical system was shot and needed to have a pacemaker. Actually, that surgery was much easier to recover from other than not being able to drive for 3 weeks and the discomfort of the incision. But, I got along fine and just know that you will, too. My brother told me to think of it as an insurance policy on my heart...and that helped a lot. I come to this site often to gain more information on pacemakers or things I am see if others have similar issues. It is a great site! Good luck to you and know you will be in our thougts and prayers! Welcome to the bionic world!


by Tracey_E - 2008-09-17 03:09:39

I got my first pm at 27. I've run through a few of them now, I'll be 42 next week. One of my favorite things about hanging out here is I'm not the baby, unlike my doctors office where I'm the only one not retired! Age doesn't matter, as long as you feel better. Good luck with your surgery, and please feel free to ask us any questions you may have.


by ElectricFrank - 2008-09-17 07:09:34

It may help to know that they aren't going to fit a pacemaker in your heart. That would be major surgery and something to be concerned about. Actually, they will put the pacemaker somewhere under your skin and run a couple of very small wires through a vein into your heart.
It is an easy procedure and you should done with the passing out. The pacer is a much better solution than taking some of the drugs with their side effects.
By the way I am one of those "old" people that get pacers. I am 78 and have had mine for nearly 4 years. Last summer I spent time at 13,000' in the Colorado Rockies without any problem.
Seriously, it is important to start this new part of your life with an upbeat attitude. That can make all the difference in the world about the outcome.


Good luck.

by jonpt - 2008-09-17 12:09:22

I'm a 40 year old plumber (now you know why it takes so long for us to get to you!!) and I was fitted with a dual chamber PM 2 weeks ago. It's not about age, some of us are older, some younger.
You'll be another member of our exclusive bionic club.
If you have a question about things, just ask, we're all here to for each other.
Good luck, and best wishes.

good luck

by jcheezer - 2008-09-17 12:09:29

Hi, I'm a 48 year woman and I had my pacemaker put in on July 3rd/08 and I feel terrific. It was a bit tough at first but I can honestly say I'm so glad to have my pacemaker, which by the way my husband named "Penny" Good Luck with everything.

Hello there

by ela-girl - 2008-09-17 12:09:34

Hi, Glenny!

Welcome to the club! We're happy to have you along and welcome your questions. We love to share our experiences and make things easier for newbies! We have a search feature in the upper right hand corner if you ever want to search for something specific and read old posts/replies.

I had my pm implanted for severe breadycardia and syncope. I was blacking out for 5 years before almost losing my life to it (long story). I had my pm implanted via emergency surgery and life's been great ever since. I've now had my pm almost 2 years and am 31. Wouldn't give up my titanium pal for anything!

Just remember...a pm can be a bit of an adjustment for some people. And getting the pm's settings right for you and your condition can be trial and error. Don't beat yourself up after surgery if you are not feeling as wonderful as you think you should. Doctors tend to downplay pm surgery as minor when it is so not to us! Always be your best advocate, too!

Look forward to seeing you around the site,

Good luck

by mikki14 - 2008-09-17 12:09:48

Hi Glenny,

yes, it´s really true, there are a lot of young people with pacemakers, I am 22 years old, so don´t be afraid - everything would be ok ;-).

Have a wonderful day!


You have come to the Right Place!

by LIVE_STRONG - 2008-09-18 01:09:22

I had my PM implanted July 25 of 08. I am 45 years young.
I feel so much better. BUt I was soooo scared! I found this site and some wonderful people helped me through every aspect of it!
I had Tracey who helped me so much with the female parts...I wanted it under my breast like her. She took alot of her own time to tell me everything I needed including how to explain to my EP what I wanted all the way to what kind of bra I would need!
We have Frank and Smitty for the "how does this work" questions! And trust me you will have them.
The things no one else understands....they explain.

I feel so blessed to have found this group of wonderful people.
I actually feel blessed to have my PM and a wonderful EP whom I will grow old with.
I actually plan on outlasting him! lol
Best Wishes,...............................Holly

Super Twins can do it - so can you!

by Carla - 2008-09-19 03:09:50

Just as stunned as you were - June of 2008 both of my sweet 6 y.o. twins were told they had to have pacers. They were passing out and on the Holter monitor it was found one's heart paused 11 seconds and one's 20 with seizures. - With compeditive twins my 20 sec. pauser brags that his was longer :) I am so pleased that after some complications, their lives are rather normal now and they are happy and healthy and have a great quality of life.
God is so good.

There are Lots of People

by harrisonb - 2008-09-26 10:09:37

Yes there are a lot of young people with pacemakers. I am on my second one and I am 18 years old. It has made me feel so much better and Im sure it will do the same for you.

hope everything goes well for you!

You know you're wired when...

Muggers want your ICD, not your wallet.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker was installed in 1998 and I have not felt better. The mental part is the toughest.